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LGIE_ectronios_no,wIHrepair or _ #s oipt_on replace, witho,_ charge, your pr.oduct if it proves to be detecDee _ln
mater_ or wo_onf_p under no_al use durlng Me wa_anty period ._t fo#h be_ow, effect#co from Me d_e of
odg_l co._umer _rchose of the Me,duct. _ limLted warronty _ good o_y fo _ ,_g_al purchas_ of _e _,oduct
®d effec_ve o._y when u_d _n_e Un#ed St_e_ _nc_d_ng _a° H_& and Uo&Te_t_.
_: 5 Year #ore the Dote of _rch_e.
P_s;' 5 Y_r fr_ the _te of Purch_e,
Ca;_ 1-_3-24_ and ch_ _ Gp_date prompt. Rease
have prodiuct b_ (_m AJr Con,d_oneO, mod_ n_, ser_i
n_,lr, _d _P cede rea@¢.
_he wain'anted ia_ cove_ _e cc_ff of ImHome SaUce on _
p_s _nc_u,d_g _e comp,re_r.
CO_ON W_ _ P_ODU_, $O_ _A_$ _ _T _OW U_I_A_ _ HOW iLO_G A_ i_D W_N_
_ UM_ W_ _ES _T A_YT_
1. _P¢lce ffl_ to your #_me to d_Ner, pllck up, _dior I_1i_ _he pro@Jet, _, or repli,oee _use _
coffect _d_, or _rrec_ of un d re_; _d
Damages or operating problems that resu!f from m_su,se, ab_se, operation outside env_ro_me#tio_
s_cff_oflons _ _R#_ to the requ_remen_ or _eca_s _n,the _eraflng Gu_, acceder, vermin,
fire, _,,_, _m!_oper _st_®on, acts of God, uP_n_ed medl_flcaq ¢_ adoration, ]ncoff_ el_dcell
cu_t or re#age, _ comme_da_ u_, _,_se for oth,_ _an _nten_ pur_.
To Pa_v_W_ Cover_e
ToO_o_ N_r_ _'h_ Se_ti_,eCer_ _ _l_
A copy of your _les £!ece_pt mud be submitted at
_, _e watra_ _'_ce is provide.
i_l_ t _800_3_0, 24 h_ ,a day, I days per we_.
Choose the appropriate prompt from, the men_, and
have y_r p_oducf '_pe (Room AJrConditioner), mode_
number, se_al number, and ZIP Code; or v_stf our
Patent No. - Us 6, 412, _8
P_o,: 3828A21015F Pdnted in China