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The _binet should _ ins_iedi _ a yew slight U]lt
(_ i_ =) __ _ _e ou_ide
Adju_ me bolt a_ _e n_ of Sill Suppo_ (_ for
b_cing t,% cabinet.
_y_ B)O
A_a_ _e _bine_ to the window stool by dd_ng
t_ _rews C_ (Type B: Len_ 16ram (5/8 inch)
_d below,) _m_ih _e front ar_le iintowin_w
PuI_e_h Frame Cumin Q fuUy to each _w
track, and t_at st_ 2,
Atta_ ea_ Frame Cumin C_the _dow sash _ing
_e_ C>_ C),.,
CA_ON: _ not ddl! a _ in the
pan. _e unit is d_ig_ to _rate wi_
_proximat_, 1_" of wmr in bottom _n.
'_ere _ _ r_ _ _d wa_r if _e _n is
_i_ the unlitiintome _i_:,
CA_ON: For _u_ _r_, rei_ll
_ _ype A) _ cabin.s sid_.
Scow(Type A)
_ype A)
C_ _e F_m-_r_p <_i_to t_ pro_,r _, and insert
betw_n _ _p_r 'win_ _ _ _ Iowe_
_nd_ _h.
_er's Man_l !5
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