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O_ting Instru_ions
CAU_ON: The Remote Controller will not function pro_ if _mng
light st_kes the _nsor _nd,ow _ _e air condkioner or if them are
obstacles bebween the, Remote Controller and the air condiUoner,
O_aUon si_ when this button is press_ ar_
sto_ _en you press,the _i_n _lain.
_e theist _i_m room tem_m_m
maintain the desired tem_m_re.
_e them'_t can be se_between 60"F-_
_e un_ tak_ an ,average _ 30 min_ to adjust the
ror_ tem_r_m by I°F.
Fan Speed
For increa_d power_il,e c,__ing,sel_ a higher
3 steps: High-Low-Meal
On!_ _m_
The Umer _n be _t to s_ and stop,the unit in
hourly in_men_ (up to 12 hour).
O_on M_e _lector
_ c_ing n',_e to _ol _e room_
_e,ct energysavermode for energysaving
Sell_ fan m_e for _sic venU_a_ngfan o_ration°
_le_ _ m_e for _ry option.
How to In_ff Ba_des
li, Removethe cover_ the b_ _ the m_te
2. lin_rt two _tt_es.
su_ _the _la_ when i_lling _e
sure th_ both _tte_ am _.
3. R_ the __.i
Do not u_ re_rg_b!,e
bakeries. Su_ ba_fi_
di_erfrom s_nda_ d_ _flls
in _ape, _ime_ns, and
Re_ _e _ttedes from
the rerr'_te c<_t_-oller_ the air
_ii_ner _ not goingto
18 Room Air Condi'_er
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