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To _ent _n a_::lnoi_,, m_ su_ the uni_
is insole,:! mutely ar_ fi_ly
In_l _e unift_re t_ _n_ d_ _t shi_
directly_ _ unk.
_e _tde _ _e cabinet m t nd ^i _ exte ou_a_ for
Iieast12"_ _re _ou_ be no _, _ ./
a fe_.;e _ w_l, w_ _" f_om_e _ck of _ z-'_'-_=.-_
_in_ _u_se it _ll p_ent heat ra_ti_ _ t_
_tri_n of _e sir willgr_tly mdu_, t_
_liing e_cy of the _r _ndi_o_r.
CAU_N: All side I_ve_, _ _ _n_ must remain expo_ _ _ o_sI_ _ the
:_ In_{l _e _n_a I_ _nted so,_ _k _ _h_tJy lower than the _nt (about 1_").
This willferce conden_ water|o _ow to _ o_.
In_l _e _nit _h the _om a_ut _0 ° _.e the _r _,_.
:All s_ parts s_M_ _r_ to finn,_, ma_r_, _aL
This _ is design_ for in_ti_ in _.an_ _ble
hungwindowsw_ _a_ _i_ _hs from_"
to 36°,
o'The top _ _ windowsa_ m_ ope_sufft_n_y
t_ aI_w a cle_ v_ _ng of 15' from t_ bo_
e ,_r s_ _ t_ _n_ _I.
12 Room A]r _nd#ioner
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