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Maintenance and Service
Air Filter
Ch,e_ the air fi_ter at Ileastmice a month to see ff cleaniing is necessary. Trapped
particles in the filter can build up and block the air.w, reducing cooling capad_
and _using an ac-cumuiation of frost on Me ,_apomtor., To dean Me air filter:
Pull the inlet griUe forward.
Remove the air fiker from the front grille by pulling Me air filter up slighUy.
Wash the filter using lukewarm water _low 40 °C (!_ °F).
Gently shake the excess water _m the tilter and replace..
Cleaniing The Air CondWoner
The front grille and Inlet gdile may
wiped with a c!_h dampened in a mi!d
dete_ent _ution.
The _binet may be washed wi_ mild
_p or dete_ent and lukewarm
water, then _lisihed withi Liquid Wax
_r Appliances.
To ensure _ntinued _ak e_ciency,
the ,cenden_r _ils (outside of unit)
sho,u_d be choked periodi_lly and
clean_ ff dogg_ with soot or dirt
from the atmosphere.
_eFs Man_l 21
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