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TurboLock TL - 200 15
Part 3 Creating a Mortise & Installing the Strike
Step 1. Push the door until nearly closed and check where the latch’s bolt touches the frame.
Step 2. First, use a pencil to mark the horizontal center of the latch on the door frame.
Step 3. Open the door again and extend the line over the edge of the door and inside the
Step 4. Measure the inside of the frame. Determine and mark the halfway point. From this
point, use a ruler to draw a line straight down so that it intersects the existing line.
Step 5. Use a 7/8” (22.2mm) spade bit and a drill to make two partially overlapping holes about
0.6” (15mm) deep centered both above and below the center line. If needed, use the
chisel to make the hollow (aka “mortise”) more square. Note, if you choose to use the
strike box, you may need to chisel slightly deeper.
If using a spade bit, do not drill at high speeds as this may tear out extra wood and damage the
door or doorframe.
Step 6. Hold the strike plate over the mortise. Using a pencil, mark a line around the edges of
plate to use as a guide. After marking at the straight edges of the plate, remove the
Step 7. Chisel about 1.5mm deep or until the strike plate sits ush with the door frame. Note, if
you choose to use the strike box, you may need to chisel slightly deeper.
During chiseling, it’s highly recommended to stop and check to see if the strike plate sits ush in the
doorframe over the strike box. If not, chisel a little more and check again. Be careful not to chisel too deep otherwise the lock may not
function correctly after installation.
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