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Operating Instructions
The lter indicator will illuminate after 250 hours of use,
indicating that the lter should be cleaned.
• Remove the lter from the back of the unit.
Use a vacuum to remove dust from the lter or wash with
warm water and mild detergent.
• Ensure the lter is completely dry before replacing it in the unit.
• Press the lter button to reset the lter indicator.
CAUTION: Do not operate the unit without the lter.
The water bucket holds accumulated condensed water and by means of a safety switch, controls both
the water level and operation of the dehumidi cation process.
When the water bucket is full or displaced inside the unit, the oat switch actuator (inside the bucket)
breaks contact with the safety switch. This results in the immediate shut down of the compressor,
preventing moisture from being condensed. The fan will continue to run for approximately 2-3
minutes. Water may drip from the tray onto the base of the unit, and then onto the oor. Ensure that
you protect your wood and carpet ooring when emptying the water bucket.
Never tamper with or attempt to defeat the water level safety oat switch system. Proper installation
of the water bucket is crucial in maintaining reliable dehumidi er operation.
Never place a full bucket of water on the oor. The bottom of the bucket is uneven and it will tip over
and spill water onto the oor.
The bucket should be cleaned every few weeks to prevent mold growth. Only use mild detergent to
clean the bucket; do not use harsh chemicals or bleach.
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