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Your refrigerator has two controis that let you regulate
the temperature in the freezer and refrigerator
Initially set the REFRIGERATOR CONTROL at
4th position 37"F (3°C) and the FREEZER CONTROL
at 4th position 0°F(-18°C)
Leave it at this sett;ng for 24 hours (one day) to
stabilize_ Then adjust the compartment temperature
as desired
. Refrigerator control: Position 1 to 7
(30"F to 48°F or - 1°C to 9°C)
The higher position setting, the colder the refrigerator
compartment wilt become
° i "'"
i_L,t 2 utt.
NOTE: You can lock the controls so the settings cannot
be changed.,
To lock the control:
1,. Set the controt to the desired settings
2. Press and hold the lock pad for 3 seconds
When the controls are locked, the indicator [ight will be on
and the cold and coider controls will not operate.
"Tounlock the control:
1. Press and hoId the lock pad for 3 seconds
After unlocking the controls, the lock indicator light
wil be out, and the setting can be changed.
Freezer control; Position 1 to 7
(-6°F to 8°F or -21°O to -13o5"C)
When the setting is at a higer position, the freezer
compartment becomes colder But the refrigerator
compartment becomes warmer because less co_d air
flows intothe refrigerator,
NOTE: Pressing OFF control key, we setting the
refrigerator for exhibition mode Only the refrigerator
lights witl work, not the refrigerator
NOTE: To turn the refrigerator off, press and hold
the OFF button for 3 seconds, To turn the
refrigerator ON, press and hold the OFF button
for 3 seconds again
Give the refrigerator time to cool down completely before
adding food It is best to wait 24 hours before you put
food into the refrigerator ]'he mid-settings indicated in the
previous section shouid be correct for normal household
refrigerator usage. The controls are set correctly when
milk or juice is as cold as you like and when ice cream
is firm
The refrigerator control functions as the thermostat for the
entire appliance (refrigerator and freezer sections) The
higher the number setting, the longer the compressor will
run to keep the temperature colde_ The freezer control
adjusts the cold air flow from the freezer to the
refrigerator Setting the freezer control to a lower
temperature keeps more cold air in the Freezer
compartment to make it colder.
if you need to adjust temperatures in the refrigerator or
freezer, start by adjusting the refrigerator first,. Wait 24
hours after the refrigerator adjustment to check the
freezer temperature ff it is too warm or too cold, then
adjust the freezer contro_ as wetE
Use the settings listed in the chart below as a guide
Always remember to wait at least 24 hours between
too warm
Door opened oflen
La_geamount of food added
FREEZERsection too warm/
ice not made fast enough
Door opened o_'ten
. Largeamount offood added
o Verycold room temperature
(Can't cycleoiten enough)
. Heavy iceusage
Air ventsblocked by items
Controls nol set corredtyfor
your conditions
FREEZERsecLion too cold
Controls nol set eorredlyfor
control to next
higher number,
wait24 hours,
control to next
higher number,
wait 24hours,
then re-check
Moveitems out of
conb'olto next
lower number,
wait24 hours,
then re-check
]rum FRE_ER
controlto next
tower number,
wa_,t24 hours,
then re-check
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