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Focus on perfect dose
Adjust dose
Achieve Espresso perfection
Each variety of coffee beans can behave differently during grinding and this is the
reason why setting the dose at the beginning might require extra care.
With this illustration we give you some indications on how to regulate the dose. Please
note these suggested setting ranges, based on the roasting level, are certainly a good
starting point, but they might slightly vary depending on specific composition of your
coffee beans.
1. Set the dose (to reach the mark inside of the filter basket, see image for perfect
dose) starting from the minimum position.
2. Look at which roasting level your coffee is and based on that, turn the knob slowly,
referencing the ranges.
The coffee filters have a mark inside to identify the level for perfect dose.
The perfect quantity corresponds to the line in relief.
Perfect dose
If your coffee is over or under extracted and the dose corresponds to the
perfect dose line, adjust the grinder settings ner or coarser.
(pouring too slowly)
needs coarser grind
(pouring too fast)
needs ner grind.
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