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Normal operating sounds, geoom
Newer refrigerators sound different from older refrigerators. Modern refrigerators have more features
and use newer technology.
Do you hear what I hear? These sounds are normal.
The.ewhighefr,cie.cy HUMMM...
conlpIessoI nlay Itln
fas_e,a.dlonge,_ha. -- wnuuan...
your old refrigerator
and you may hear a high-pitched hum or pulsaung
sound while it is operating.
You may hear a whooshing sound when die doors close.
This is due m pressure equalizing wiflfin file refligeramI.
You may hear cracking or popping sounds when file
refligerator is fi_stplugged in. This happens as the
reflige_tor cools m the correct mmpe_mne.
The compressor may cause a clicking or chiIping sound
when attempting m restart (flds could rake
up to 5 mint]ms).
Expan0on and cormaction of cooling coils during and
after deflost can cause a c_wcking or popping sound.
On models with an icemake_; _ff_ceran icemaking cycle, you
mW hear the ice cubes dropping into file ice bucket.
WHIR! You may hear the fans spinning at
high speeds.
This happens when the refligerator
is first plugged in, when the doors
are opened flequendy or when
a large amount of food is added to the refligerator or
fleezer compartments. The fans are helping to
maintain the correct temperatures.
The flow of refligemnt flnough die fleezer cooling coils
mW make a gurgling noise like b41ing wateL
Wamrdropping on the deflost heater can cause a sizzling,
popping or buzzing sound during the deflost cycle.
Awater d_ippi_g n4se may (xcctliduring file defrost cycleas
ice melts flom file evapo_tor mid flowsinto file &vfinDin.
Closing file door mW cause a gurgling sound due m
pressure equalization.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
What ToDo
_Mfitabout 30 minutes for defrost cycle to end.
Move file mmpe_mne conuol dial m a mmpemmre
Push the plug complemly into the outlet.
Replace filse or reset the breakeL
Refrigerator in defrost cycle.
Temperature control dial
in 0position.
Refrigerator is unplugged.
The fuse is blown/circuit
breakeris tripped.
Roller screwsor leveling legs
need adjusting.
Temperature control dial
not set cold enough.
Warm weather or frequent
door openings.
Door left open.
Package blocking air duct in
freezer compartment.
Vibrationorrattling(slight See RollersandLevelingLegs.
Freshfoodorfreezer See Aboutthetemperaturecontroldial.
Set die mmperamre conuol dial one stop coldeL
Check to see if package is holding door open.
Check m see if package is Mocking air duct in fleezer
co[IlpalQllent. 77
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