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A80 Pro Intelligent Diagnosis System
Tip: When the fault vehicle is detected, if the "system normal" or "No Trouble code" is displayed,
the ECU does not store the relevant fault code or some fault phenomenon is not in the ECU
monitoring range, many belong to the mechanical system or circuit failure, it is possible that the
sensor in the range of signal deviation. This can be judged in the data flow function.
3.5 Clear DTCs
1After returning to the previous step, select the "Clear Code" function to clear the ECU stored in
the current and historical fault code memory, the implementation of this function will be the
current fault code and the history of the fault code to clear all, clear the fault code before you
need to confirm the failure code to record. As shown in the following figure.
2Click "Yes" confirmation after clearing the fault code, such as normal communication will show
"failure code cleanup success" or "fault code has been cleared", usually after clearing the fault
code and read the code to confirm the failure code is cleared.
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