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Make s/ire all cookware tlsed in FOlly II/icI'owave
()veil is suitable t0r nlicrowaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes, n/easuring cups,
custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware
which does not have nlemllic trinl or glaze with
a nletallic sheen can be used. Sonle cookware
is labeled "suitable fin" nlicrowaving."
If vou are not sure if
a dish is nlicrowave-
safe, use this test:
Place in the ()veil
both the dish vou are
testing and a glass Howtorestfora
nleasuring cup filled mic'rowave-saf_dish
with 1 cup of
watei_set tile nleasuring cup either in or
next to tile dish. Microwave 30-45 seconds at
high. If tile dish heats, it should not be used
fl)r nlicrowaving.
If tile dish renlains cool and only tile
water in tile cup heats, then tile dish is
If you use a nleat thernlon/eter while
cooking, nlake sure it is sate fl)r use in
ii/icrowave ()veils.
Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled
paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can
contain n/etal flecks which nlav cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products containing nylon or
nylon filan/ents should be avoided, as they
nlay also ignite.
Use fl)il only as directed in this inanual.
When using fl)il in tile nlicrowave ()veil, keep
tile flfil at least 1 inch away fronl tile sides of
tile ()veil.
Sonle sWI'Ofl)aIn trays (like those that nleat
is packaged on) have a thin strip of nletal
en/bedded in tile bottonl. When n/icrowaved,
tile nletal can burn tile floor of tile oven or
ignite a paper towel.
Do not use tile nlicrowave to dry newspapers.
Not all plastic wrap is suitable fin" use in
n/icrowave ()veils. Check the package fin.
proper tlse.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap
can be used to cover dishes in order to retain
n/oisture and prevent spattering. Be sure to
vent plastic wrap so stean/ can escape.
Cookware nlav beconle hot because of heat
transti_rred fl'oin tile heated fl)od. Pot holders
nlav be needed to handle tile cookware.
"goilable" cooking pouches and tightly closed
plastic bags should be slit, pierced or vented
as directed by package. If they are not, plastic
could burst during or innnediatelv after
cooking, possibly resulting in ii_jury. Also,
plastic storage containers should be at least
partially uncovered because they flwin a tight
seal. When cooking with containers tightly
covered with plastic wrap, renlove coveting
careflilly and direct steanl away ti'oin hands
and tace.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed
fl)r nlicrowave cooking is very usefld, but
should be used careflillv: Even nlicrowave-safe
plastic n/ay not be as tolerant of overcooking
conditions as are glass or ceranlic n/aterials,
and nlav soften or char if subjected to short
periods of overcooking. In hmger exposures
to overcooking, tile fl)od and cookware
could ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
1 Lrse n/icrowave-safl _ plastics only and use
then/in strict con/pliance with tile cookware
Illan/l[;I ctuI'eI"S I'eCOIllI//e ndatio ns.
2 Do not nlicrowave enlpty containers.
3 Do not pernlit children to use plastic
cookware without con/plete supervision.
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