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DONOTattempt any maintenance,adjustments or service
with engine and blade running. STOPengine and blade.
Disconnectspark plug wire and secure away from spark
plug. Engineand components are HOT.Avoid serious
burns, allow sufficient time for all components to cool.
Flipthe pulley over sothat the bushing flange is
under the pulley. The bushing will act as a washer
betweenthe pulley and the standoff.
Reassemblethe pulleyto the bag adapter,and
install the supplied replacementbolt, fitted with the
thread sleeve,into the recoil cover. Tighten all
Figure 13: Installing theadapterstandoff
DONOToperatewithout entire Grass Catcheror guard in
place. GrassCatchercomponents are subject to
deterioration during normal use. Inspect frequently and
replaceworn or damagedcomponents immediately.
1. Install the recycling plug (A, Figure 14) if recycling is
desired after the bag adapter is installed. Install the
recycling plug completely and securely into the bag
IMPORTANT.Install thegrass bag as a safeguard.
2. Referto the section entitled "Recycling Operation".
Figure 14.Installing the recycfing plug
(Door Type Bag)
1. Install the grass bag adapter.Refer to the Section
entitled "Installing the Grass BagAdapter".
2. Install the grass bag by sliding the connector (A, Figure
15) over the adapterflange.
3. Attachthe grass bag hooks (B) overthe middle handle
cross bar.
Figure 15.Installing thegrass bag
GrassCatcherbags usedon SNAPPERproducts are made
of woven fabric, and are subject to deterioration and wear
during normal usage. Checkcondition of bag before each
use. Immediately replaceworn or damagedcatcherbags
with only bags recommendedby SNAPPER.The grass
catcher is optional equipment on some models.
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