Craftsman 247774661 log splitter

User Manual - Page 9

For 247774661.

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Engine Controls
Stop Switch
Pushbuttonto ON priorto chokingfor enginestart; pushto OFF to
Choke Control
The choke controlis usedto choke off the carburetorandassistin
startingthe engine.
Starter Handle
The starterhandle is locatedonthe engine.Pull the starterhandleto
Control Handle
The control handlehasthree positions.SeeFigure4-2.
,, FORWARD:MovecontrolhandleFORWARDor DOWNto move
wedgeto splitwood.
NOTE:Controlhandlewill returnto neutralpositionas soonas handle
is released.(ForwardPosition only)
f --,,
_ T_o split wood
Figure 4=2
NEUTRAL:Releasethe controlhandleor movethe leverto neutral
positionto stop the wedgemovement.
REVERSE:MovecontrolhandleBACKor UP to returnthe
wedgetowardthe cylinder.The control handlestaysin the return
(Reverse)position and returnsto neutralautomaticallywhenfully
NOTE:Reversepositionmayalsobe operatedbackto neutralposition
manually,if necessary.
Gas and Oil Fill-Up
IMPORTANT:Yourlogsplittermaybeshippedwithmotoroil in the
engine.YouMUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating.Be careful not
to overfill.
_ WARNING:Useextremecarewhen handling
gasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammable and the
vaporsareexplosive.Neverfuel machine indoorsor
whilethe engineis hot or running.
1. Removeoilfill dipstick.
2. Checkthe oil levelmakingcertain notto rubthe dipstickalong the
insidewallsof the oil fill tube.This wouldresult in afalsedipstick
reading.Refillto FULLmark on dipstick,if necessary.Replace
3. If necessary,with the logsplitteronlevelground,usea funnelto fill
enginewithoil to FULLmark on dipstick.Be carefulnot to overfill.
Overfillingwill causethe engineto smokeprofuselyandwill result
in poorengineperformance.
4. Checkoil levelthreetimespriorto startingengine to becertain
you'vegottenan accuratedipstickreading.Runningthe enginewith
too little oil can resultin permanentenginedamage.
1. Removefuelcap fromthe fueltank.
2. Makesurethe containerfromwhichyou will pourthe gasolineis
cleanandfree from rust or foreignparticles.Neverusegasoline
that maybestalefromlongperiodsof storagein itscontainer.
Gasolinethat hasbeensittingfor anyperiod longerthanfourweeks
3. Fillfuel tankwithabout1.5quartsof clean,fresh,lead-freegrade
automotivegasoline.DO NOTuseEthlyor high octanegasoline.
NOTE:Gasolinecan be addedto the enginewhenthe log splitteris
ineitherthe horizontalor verticalposition.However,thereare less
obstructionswhenthe unitis in the verticalposition.
NOTE:Donot usegasolinecontainingmethanol.Gasolinecontaining
upto about10% ethanolor up to 15%methyltertiarybutyl ether
(MTBE)maybe used,but will requirespecialcarewhenengineis left
4. Replacefuelcap.
NOTE:Toavoidengineproblems,the fuelsystemshouldbe emptied
beforestoragefor30 daysorlonger.Drainthe gas tank,start the
engineand let it rununtilthe fuel linesandcarburetorareempty.Use
freshfuel nextseason.See STORAGEsectionfor additionalinforma-
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