Craftsman 247774661 log splitter

User Manual - Page 4

For 247774661.

PDF File Manual, 48 pages, Download pdf file

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l_lk ARNING: This symbol points out importantsafety instructionswhich, ifnot followed, could endanger the
personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructionsinthis manual before
attempting to operate this machine. Failureto comply with these instructionsmay result inpersonal injury.
When you see this symbol- heed itswarning.
__i ARNING: Engine Exhaust,some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit
chemicals known to State of Californiato cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductiveharm.
DANGER: This machinewas built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual.
As with any type of powerequipment, carelessnessor error on the part of the operator can result in
serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failureto
observe the followingsafety instructions could result in serious injury or death.
General Practices
1. Read,understand,and followall instructionson the machineand
in the manual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleandoperate.Keep
thismanualina safeplacefor futureand regularreferenceand for
2. Befamiliarwithall controlsandproperoperation.Knowhowto stop
the machineand disengagethemquickly.
3. Neverallowchildrenunder16yearsto operatethis machine.
tionsandsafetyrules in this manualand shouldbe trainedand
supervisedbya parent.
4. Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproperinstruc-
5. Manyaccidentsoccurwhenmorethan one personoperatesthe
machine.If ahelperis assistingin loadinglogs, neveractivatethe
controluntil the helperis a minimumof 10 feetfrom the machine.
6. Keepbystanders,helpers,pets,and childrenat least20 feet from
the machinewhileit is in operation.
7. Neverallowanyoneto ride on this machine.
8. Nevertransportcargoonthis machine.
9. Hydrauliclogsplittersdevelophighfluid pressuresduringopera-
tion.Fluidescapingthroughapin holeopeningcan penetrateyour
skinandcausebloodpoisoning,gangrene,or death.Giveattention
to the followinginstructionsatall times:
a. Donotcheckforleakswithyourhand.
b. Donotoperatemachinewithfrayed,kinked,cracked,ordamaged
c. Stoptheengineandrelievehydraulicsystempressurebeforechanging
d. Donotadjustthepressuresettingsofthepumpor valve.
10.Leakscan be detectedby passingcardboardor wood,while
wearingprotectiveglovesandsafetyglasses,overthe suspected
area.Lookfor discolorationof cardboardor wood.
11.If injuredby escapingfluid,seea doctorimmediately.Serious
infectionor reactioncan developif propermedicaltreatmentis not
12.Keep the operatorzone andadjacentareaclearfor safe,secure
13.If your machineis equippedwithaninternalcombustionengine
and it is intendedfor use nearany unimprovedforest,brush,or
grasscoveredland,the engineexhaustshouldbe equippedwitha
sparkarrester.Make sureyoucomplywith applicablelocal,state,
14.Thismachineshouldbeusedfor splittingwoodonly,do notuse it
for any otherpurpose.
15.Followthe instructionsinthe manual(s)providedwith any
attachment(s)for this machine.
1. Alwayswearsafetyshoesor heavyboots.
2. Alwayswearsafetyglassesor safetygogglesduringoperatingthis
3. Neverwearjewelryor looseclothingthatmightbecomeentangled
in movingor rotatingpartsof the machine.
4. Makesuremachineis on levelsurfacebeforeoperating.
5. Alwaysblockmachineto preventunintendedmovement,and lock
in eitherhorizontalor verticalposition.
6. Alwaysoperatethismachinefromthe operatorzone(s)specifiedin
the manual.
7. Logs shouldbe cut with squareendsprior to splitting.
8. Uselogsplitter in daylightor undergood artificiallight.
9. Toavoid personalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in
handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableandthe vapors
spilledon yourselfor yourclotheswhichcan ignite.Wash yourskin
a. Useonlyan approvedgasolinecontainer.
b. Extinguishallcigarettes,cigars,pipes,andothersourcesofignition.
c. Neverfuelmachineindoors.
d. Neverremovegascaporaddfuelwhiletheengineishotor running.
e. Allowenginetocoolatleasttwominutesbeforerefueling.
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