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Refrigerator Thermostat is keeping the refrigerator This is normal. The refrigerator goes on
compressor at a constant temperature, andoffto keepthe temperature constant,
does not run.
Temperatures are
too cold
Temperature in the Freezercontrol is set too cold Set the Freezercontrol to a warmer
freezer is too cold setting until the Freezertemperature is
butthe refrigerator satisfactory.
temperature is
Temperature in the Refrigerator control is set too cold. Set the refrigerator control to a
refrigerator is too warmer setting
cold and the freezer
is satisfactory.
Food stored in
drawers freezes. Refrigerator control is set too cold. Seeabove solution.
Meat stored in Meat should be stored at a temperature It is normal Forice crystals to Formdue
fresh meat just belowthefreezingpointofwater (32°F, to the moisture content of meat.
drawer freezes. OC) for maximum fresh storage time.
are too warm
Temperatures in Freezer control is set too warm. Set the Freezeror refrigerator control to
the refrigerator a colder setting until the Freezeror
or freezer are refrigerator temperature is satisfactory.
too warm. ......
ReFrigeratorcontrol is set too warm. Set the freezeror refrigerator control to a
Refrigerator control has some effect on colder setting until the freezer or
freezer temperature, refrigerator temperature is satisfactory.
Doors are opened too Frequently or too Warm air enters the refrigerator/freezer
long. whenever the door is opened.
Open the door less often.
Door is slightly open. Close the door completely.
Large amounts of warm or hot food Wait until the refrigerator or freezer
may have been stored recently, has achance to reach its selected
Refrigerator has recently been A refrigerator requires some hours to
disconnected for a period of time. cool down completely.
Temperature in the Refrigerator control is set too warm. Set the refrigerator control to a colder
refrigerator setting.
is too warm but
the freezer
temperature is
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