User Manual AmazonBasics 480-P3

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For 480-P3.

Dr. Browns Natural Flow
Baby Bottle
Wash all parts prior to use. The cleaning of the two
(2) additional vent assembly parts will require an
extra moment. This is time well spent to help avoid
spit-ups and other discomforts to your baby.
1. Always use clean hands and surfaces.
2. Fully disassemble all parts.
ni elppin eht liob :ylno esu tsr - elppin enociliS .3
water forve (5) minutes.
dna retaw toh ni ylhguoroht strap lla hsaW .4
detergent. Use enclosed brush on all holes in
the insert and reservoir.
eht taht erus gnikam ,ylhguoroht strap esniR .5
nipple hol
e is clean and clear.
pot eht ni strap lla peek ,rehsawhsid a esu uoy fI .6
rack only.
To learn more about our accessories that make
cleaning easier, visit
You can sterilize bottle-feeding equipment by
boiling, soaking in chemical solution or using an
electric or microwave sterilizer. Please keep the
following in mind:
yltcirts srezilirets ro snoitulos lacimehc esU
according to the manufacturers instructions.
We advise you to use the Dr. Browns
luferac eb os ,snrub niks ereves esuac nac maetS
hen boiling equipment on the stove or using
sterilizing equipment.
hcaer fo tuo esu ni ton stnenopmoc lla peeK
of children.
dna paos htiw ylhguoroht sdnah ruoy hsaW
water before handling sterilized bottles, nipples
and accessories.
dezilirets fo gnildnah yrassecennu diovA
For Your Childs Safety and Health
.noisivrepus tluda htiw tcudorp siht esu syawlA
.rehtoos a sa selppin gnideef esu reveN
nac sdiu fo gnikcus degnolorp dna suounitnoC
cause tooth decay.
.gnideef erofeb erutarepmet doof kcehc syawlA
Always check the nipples for signs of wear and
replace when damaged.
(Please refer to diagram)
NOTE: The bottle WILL NOT FUNCTION without the
.elttob eht ekahs ton oD :selbbub alumrof diovA .1
Formula should be stirred gen tly to fully dissolve
lumps - they can clog nipple holes.
2. Fill to the desired amount. The vent will not work
properly if you fill the bottle above the FILL LINE
.tresni eht otno ylluf riovreser eh
t panS .3
tresni eht htiw ,elttob eht otni riovreser eht ecalP .4
making full contact with the top of the bottle.
ralloc elppin eht otni elppin eht panS .5
and place loosely on the bottle.
elttob lla evomer syawla - elttob eht mraW .6
components before warming to prevent the vent
from leaking fluid if gas forms during warming.
erutarepmet ydob dnoyeb diuqil eht mraw ton oD .7
of 98.6ºF (37ºC). Always test temperature of
liquid before feeding baby.
erofeb ylguns ralloc eht nethgit ot erus
eB .8
feeding, but do not over-tighten.
yltcirts pu ti ekam ,alumrof esu uoy nehW .9
according to the manufacturers instructions.
stops toh alumrof gnitaerc fo ksir eht ot euD .1
and overheating, the use of a microwave oven is
not recommended. If you use a microwave oven,
remember that the nipple and collar must always
be removed during heating. Test temperature
frequently by placing a few drops on your tongue
or back of your hand after stirring thoroughly to
eliminate hot and cold spots.
erus ekam ot esu hcae erofeb elppin e
ht no lluP .2
it does not tear. Inspect carefully, especially when
the child develops teeth, and replace the nipple
immediately if it shows any signs of wear or
damage, such as cracking or change of shape.
yletelpmoc sah ybab ruoy erofeb gnideef potS .3
emptied the nipple to keep your baby from
swallowing air that may cause colic or other
digestive problems.
nehw htuom sybab ruoy morf elttob eht evomeR .4
the baby is not feeding. Prolonged contact with
milk, formula, and other liquids can cause
tooth decay.
dna syot ton era elttob siht fo stnenopmoc ehT .5
should not be given to children to play with or
suck on.
evah uoy dluohs naicisyhp ruoy tcatnoc ot erus eB .6
any feeding problems or questions.
7. Allowing your child to use this product for
prolonged periods separate from regular
mealtimes or to go to sleep while drinking
liquids, other than water, from this baby bottle
may cause or contribute to early childhood
tooth decay.
yllaciceps neeb sah dedulcni elppin ehT .A
selected for an infants first use of the free-
flowing characteristics of the Dr. Brown’s
Natural Flow
venting system. Fasterowing
Level 2, Level 3, Lev
el 4 and Y-Cut versions of
the nipple are available for all Dr. Browns
bottles. There is also a slowerow Preemie
nipple available for the standard bottle only.
Nipples of other brands may leak or feed too
fast or too slow.
taht os elttob eht dloh ,ybab ruoy gnideef nehW .B
the reservoir tube hole in the bottom of the
bottle is not covered by liquid. (Approximately at
a 4 angle)
gniyl naht rehtar pu depporp ybab ruoy peeK .C
down during feeding.
,erusserp sezilauqe ylsuounitnoc tnev eht elihW .D
movement of any liquid remaining in the
reservoir tube is normal.
nehw lluf 3/1 revo sniame
r blub riovreser eht fI .E
the bottle is placed upright, please check that
the nipple hole is clear and that the insert and
reservoir are firmly pressed together. The
reservoir bulb can be emptied by momentarily
loosening the nipple collar. (Be sure to retighten
before feeding.)
meht peek syawla ,selttob gnitropsnart nehW .F
upright and use travel disk to help prevent
strap lanretni evomer esaelp ,levart ria gniruD .G
and secure with travel cap or travel disk and
nipple collar to prevent leaking from air pressure.
ylno esu ,snoitcnuf gnitnev dna elttob reporp roF .H
Dr. Brown’
s Natural Flow
ni ton nehw thgilnus tcerid fo tuo selppin peeK .I
use. Sunlight is known to cause deterioration
of nipples.
J. Change nipples after approximately 6 weeks of
use. When used and sterilized intensively, nipples
may deteriorate after 6 weeks.
4433 Fyler, St. Louis, MO 63116 USA
Nipple Collar
Travel disk
(Do not discard; not for use
during feeding)
Vent assembly:
Please press
firmly together
to prevent leakage
For proper feeding use only
Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow