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IMPORTANT: The WeMo Light Switch is not designed to work with metal faceplates (it interferes with the Wi-Fi signal) and
is recommended for residential and dry indoor locations only.
If you have met the electrical requirements, proceed with the electrical installation instructions below.
Step 1:
Shut OFF the power at the circuit breaker for the switch you are replacing. You may need to
shut OFF more than one circuit breaker/switch to make sure the switch you're working on is
powered OFF.
IMPORTANT: Use a non-contact voltage detector or flip your light switch a few times to make sure
that the power is OFF.
Step 2:
Unscrew and disconnect the wires from the old switch using a screw driver.
Step 3:
Identify the wires on your WeMo Light Switch.
Switch (Live/Load) wires - On this light switch, the Switch wires are the two (2) black wires. Every light
switch will have both of these wires. But they could be either red or black in color.
Neutral wire - is required by WeMo Light Switch, but isn't always present in your electrical wiring at home. If
present, the neutral wire is normally found within the wall box with a wire nut on top of it.
Ground wire - If present, it should be plugged into the top of the light switch here. It's normally green or
copper in color. Don't worry if you can't find the ground wire, WeMo Light Switch doesn't require one.
Warning! The following wiring scenarios may be dangerous or illegal:
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