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What are Points?
Points are a way to measure physical activity, both from steps and other activities.
For example, if you walk for 10 minutes, you can earn about 100 points, depending on your pace. If
you run for 10 minutes, you can earn closer to 3-5 times that amount, depending on the intensity
of your running.
The more active you are, the more points you receive. It’s that simple.
[See Using the App > Activity Graphs to understand the visual information]
Shine displays your total Calories burned, which includes:
1. Calories related to your physical activities like walking, running, swimming, etc.
2. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) of energy needed just to keep your body alive.
Even if you have not performed a lot of activity in a day, you will still burn Calories related to your
BMR, which can be a surprisingly large number - more than 1,500 calories for many users.
Shine’s Calorie estimate is based on the most updated medical research on energy expenditure.
If you wear Shine to sleep, it can provide the following:
- Time slept
- Amount of deep sleep
[See Using the app > Sleep Graph to understand the visual information]
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