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Please check how to prepare ingredients according to their characteristics and prepare them
before extraction.
- If you do not prepare ingredients properly, it might be difficult to extract juice from them or break
the juicer.
Check the [MAX] and [ ] icons on the hopper and make sure the ingredients in the
hopper do not exceed that line.
- [ MAX ] and [ ] icons on the side of the hopper indicate the limit for the volume of
ingredients in the hopper depending on the water content of the ingredients.
- Putting an excessive amount of ingredients can strain the motor and break the product or may
lead to the leakage of juice through the gap between chamber of hopper.
Take cautions not to hurt the hand when assembling or disassembling the mixing bar.
- The mixing bar helps the ingredients to move into the chamber smoothly.
When you extract over 400ml at once,
please open the control lever every 400ml to emit the pulp.
- The hopper can’t be opened or it may cause damage when the pressure in the chamber increases.
Do not operate the switch with wet hands.
- It may cause electric shock or fire. Do not put foreign objects near the switch.
If you are extracting continuously, empty the pulp cup before continuing. The pulp can run over.
Dual Hopper
Smart Hopper
Fine strainer has tiny and fine holes good to make clean juice.
Coarse strainer has larger holes so is good to make thick juice with flesh in it.
It is to make juice with soft fruits and thick juice like banana, strawberry,
and also useful for smoothie, latte, or soup.
Ingredients that have been shriveled after refrigerated for a long time may produce small
amount of juice or may not produce any juice. If the unit is not cleaned immediately after use, the
pulp may dry andstick to the unit. This will make assembling and cleaning difficult and may also
lead to performance degradation.
Cautions during Operation
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