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Making Your Coffee Concentrate
Many variables contribute to the acidity level of coffee – including where the bean is
grown, how it is harvested and how it is roasted; however, the same coffee bean cold
brewed produces a coffee with much less acidity than if it were brewed with hot water.
Cold water simply extracts less acid from the bean.
We’ve noticed that lighter roasts bring out some nice fruity flavors inherent within the
beans, but any roast will do. We encourage you to experiment to figure out which you
like best.
Grind Size
Medium to coarse ground coffee works best with the OXO Cold Brew Coffee Maker.
Look for the “Automatic Drip” or “French Press” setting on grinders.
We recommend a 1:4 coffee to water ratio. 10 oz/284 g of coffee* to 40 oz/1200
ml (5 cups) of water fits perfectly in the OXO Cold Brew Coffee Maker. Adjusting this
ratio will result in a stronger or weaker concentrate, which you may prefer.
*We recommend weighing your coffee since volume can vary depending on grind size,
roast, etc. If you don’t have a scale, 10 oz/284 g of coffee is roughly 3.5 cups.
Brew Time
Think of cold brewing coffee as replacing heat with time. To fully extract flavors, coffee
should steep 12-24 hours (or overnight). Good things come to those who wait!
Filtration Time
Using coarse ground coffee, filtration can take around 20 minutes. A finer ground will
filter much more slowly. For instance, an espresso grind may take as long as 45
minutes to an hour to filter.
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