Ninja BL642 Blender

User Manual

For BL642.

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User Manual - Transcript

  • Page 1: BL642 Lets Get Started Assembly Tips amp Recipes RECIPES TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY
  • Page 2 - English - : Table of Contents Welcome 2 Assembly 3 Program and Speed Settings 10 NutrientRich Juices amp Smoothies 12 Breakfast 19 Soup Sides amp Entrees 22 MultiCourse Meals 29 Desserts 34 FAQ 37 Notes 38 Welcome to the Ninja AutoiQ Experience Ninjas AutoiQ technology features intelligent programs that combine unique pulsing blending and pausing patterns that do the work for you Get great results every time with no guesswork required These programs are timed to deliver delicious results so all you have to do is press a button and enjoy Congratulations 2 3 F R O Z E N DRI NK S S MO O T H I ES FOOD PURE E N u t r iNi nj a N u t r i Nin j a PU L S E H I G H MED ON OFF WA T T S A U TO L O W AU T O A U T O A U T O A U TO 1 Place the blade onto the gear in the blender pitcher 2 Form a diamond by placing one of the corners of the blender pitcher over the Ninja logo on the base 3 Lock the pitcher into place by rotating the bowl clockwise until you hear a click 4 The pitcher can be placed on the base two ways with the handle in the front right or the left position 5 To place the lid on the jar press the release button so the handle is upright 6 Align the arrows on the lid and the pitcher handle then lock the lid in place by pressing the handle down until you hear a click 7 Select the AutoiQ or desired speed program 8 When the program finishes turn off the appliance and wait for the blade to stop turning Turn pitcher counterclockwise to remove Caution Removable blades are very sharp Always grab the top of the blade shaft to avoid injuries When pouring we recommend you use the pour spout with the lid on Do not pour without a lid as blades will fall out NOTE Programs applicable for the blender pitcher will illuminate once the pitcher is locked onto the base with pitcher 7 8 F R O Z EN DRI N K S SMO O T H I E S FOO D P U REE N u t r iNi nj a N u t r i N i nj a P U L S E H I GH MED O N OFF WAT T S A U TO L O W A U T O A U T O AU TO A U TO F R O Z EN D R I NKS S M O O T H I E S FOO D PU R E E N u t r i Ninj a N u t r i Ni n j a PU L S E H I GH MED O N OFF WA T T S A U TO L O W A U T O A U T O A U T O A U TO F R O Z EN D R I N K S SMO O T H I E S FOO D PU R E E N u t r i Ninj a N u t r i Ninj a PU L S E H I GH MED O N OFF WAT T S A U TO L O W A U TO AU TO A UT O A U TO FR O Z EN DRINK S SMO O T H I E S F O O D P U R E E N u t riN inj a N u t r iNinj a PULSE HIGH M ED O N O F F WA T T S AUTO LOW AU T O AU T O A U TO AUTO F R O Z EN DR INK S SMO O T H IES F O O D P U R E E N u t ri N inj a N u t r i Ni n j a PU L S E H I GH M E D O N O F F WAT T S A U TO L O W A U T O A UT O AUT O A U TO Assembly amp Disassembly
  • Page 3 - English - : The nutrientrich juice and smoothie recipes in this inspiration guide were created for the top five wellness categories to help you start your journey toward optimal health DetoxCleanse Our detox recipes have fresh fruits vegetables and herbs that will help give your body a beneficial detox boost Heart Health Your heart has a big job to do and needs foods that can help support circulation and reduce stress to keep you as healthy as possible Longevity Beauty Looking good Weve developed recipes that can help to strengthen your immune system and bring back your natural glow Mood Immunity Turn that frown around with antioxidantrich vegetables fruits fresh herbs and even coconut waterelectrolyte builders that keep the body hydrated and you feeling great Weight Loss Wellness Jumpstart your weight and fitness efforts by adding one of our greenbased smoothies or juices to your meal plan Lets Get Healthy Look for the matching icons throughout the guide as you select your recipes Wellness Plan 4 5 FROZEN D R IN KS SMOOTHIES FOOD PURE E Nutri Ni nja NutriNinja PULSE HI G H M E D ON OFF W ATT S AUTO LOW A U T O A U TO A U T O AU TO 0 FR OZEN DR I NKS S M OOTHIES FO OD PURE E Nu tr i Ninja NutriNinja PULSE HIGH MED ON OF F WA TTS AUTO LOW A U TO A U TO A UT O AUTO 0 FROZ EN D RINK S SMOOTHI ES FOOD PURE E N utri N i n ja N utr i N i n ja PULSE HIGH ME D ON OF F WATT S AU TO LOW AUT O A UT O AUT O AUTO 0 FR OZ E N D RI NKS S MOOTH IE S FO OD PUREE NutriN inja Nutri Ni nja PULSE HI G H MED ON OFF WATTS AUTO LOW A U TO A UT O A U T O AU TO 0 with Nutri Ninja Cup 1 After adding ingredients to the Nutri Ninja cup place the Pro Extractor Blades onto the cup and screw it on tightly 2 Flip the cup upside down place the cup onto the base and turn clockwise until you hear a click 3 Choose a program or speed setting and blend All AutoiQ programs have unique blend pulse and pause patterns that automatically stop once the countdown timer reaches 000 4 To remove rotate the cup counter clockwise 5 Pull the cup straight up 1 3 NOTE Programs applicable for the Nutri Ninja Cup will illuminate once the Nutri Ninja Cup is locked onto the base Assembly amp Disassembly
  • Page 4 - English - : LIQUID ICE FRUIT VEGGIES Nutri Ninja AutoiQ programs combine unique pulsing blending and pausing patterns that do the work for you Get great results every time with no guesswork required No more standing over a blender simply press a button and get the time you need to get other things done AutoiQ Frozen DrinksSmoothies This program is designed for creating delicious drinks in our 72ounce Pitcher Our stacked blades will crush ice frozen fruits and vegetables in seconds giving you a refreshing icy beverage AutoiQ Puree This program is designed for making foods such as dips hummus baby food or soups Both jar configurations can be used with this setting Use the Blender Pitcher for larger batches or the Nutri Ninja Cups for smaller portions AutoiQ Blend This program is specifically designed for our Nutri Ninja Cups The Pro Extractor Blades for the Nutri Ninja Cups spin much faster giving you super smooth results every time Use this setting for Super Juices that use fresh or softer ingredients AutoiQ Ultra Blend This program is specifically designed for our Nutri Ninja cups The Pro Extractor Blades for the Nutri Ninja Cups spin much faster giving you super smooth results every time Use the ULTRA BLEND setting for harder ingredients such as frozen fruits or vegetables ice seeds and more AutoiQ Pulse This is an enhanced feature to our existing pulse function AutoiQ Pulse offers greater control to help prevent over processing or over blending Simply hold down the button and our blades will run at a high speed for a quick burst of power to break through ice or chop vegetables When filling your Nutri Ninja cups we recommend that you start with adding your fresh fruits or vegetables first If youre using powders seeds nuts or other dry ingredients put them in next Afterwards add frozen items or ice Finally pour in any juice water or other liquids as desired Remember to securely tighten the Pro Extractor Blades and do not overfill the cups Once the Pro Extractor Blades has been securely assembled to the cup flip the cup over in order to attach to the base as shown above 6 7 Nutri Ninja Ninja Blender DUO with AutoiQ Technology
  • Page 5 - English - : USE Pitcher cocktails smoothies frozen desserts milkshakes sauces dips soups with FROZEN DRINKS SMOOTHIES USE Nutri Ninja Cup green super juices frozen desserts protein shakes fresh nutrient juices sauces dips soups with 8 9
  • Page 6 - English - : programs amp speed settings Blender Pitcher Blender Pitcher Blender Pitcher Stacked Blade Stacked Blade Stacked Blade AutoiQ Puree AutoiQ Frozen Drinks amp Smoothies AutoiQ Pulse Frozen Cocktails Smoothies Frozen Desserts Milkshakes Ice Soups Sauces Dips Salsa Vegetables Nuts Chocolate Chopping Smoothies Frozen Drinks Pureeing Function Speed or Program Type of Food Container Blade Type 10 11 programs and speed settings for pitcher programs and speed settings for Nutri Ninja Nutrient amp Vitamin Extraction Nutrient amp Vitamin Extraction Nutri Ninja Cup Nutri Ninja Cup Pro Extractor Blades Pro Extractor Blades Pro Extractor Blades Pro Extractor Blades Nutri Ninja Cup Nutri Ninja Cup Nutri Ninja AutoiQ Blend Nutri Ninja AutoiQ Ultra Blend AutoiQ Puree AutoiQ Pulse Fresh Nutrient Juices Smoothies Milkshakes Green Nutrient Juices Frozen Desserts Protein Shakes Salsa Vegetables Nuts Grated Cheese Bread Crumbs Spices Grating Chopping Function Speed or Program Type of Food Container Blade Type
  • Page 7 - English - : nutrientrich juices amp smoothies lean green ninja PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVING 1 This tropical fruit smoothie packs a vitamin K punch antioxidant refresher PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVING 1 You wont taste the cabbage in this refreshing antioxidantrich smoothie nutrientrich juices amp smoothies ingredients 2 cup fresh pineapple 1inch chunks 2 cup fresh mango 1inch chunks 2 ripe banana peeled 4 cup baby spinach packed 4 cup kale leaves packed 2 cup water 1 cup ice directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with pineapple 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ BLEND program 4 cup red cabbage chopped 1 celery stalk halved 2 granny smith apple unpeeled uncored halved 4 cup blueberries 2 cup watermelon 1inch chunks 4 cup ice ingredients directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with red cabbage 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ ULTRA BLEND program
  • Page 8 - English - : nutrient complete powerball smoothie PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVING 1 Start your day off right with this power booster ginger greens PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 2 Consider two of the ultimate detox foods kale and cilantro combined to cleanse your system The avocado lends a rich creamy consistency and a healthful dose of good monounsaturated fat nutrientrich juices amp smoothies nutrientrich juices amp smoothies ingredients 2 ripe banana 1 2 cups unsweetened coconut milk 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder 1 2 cups frozen blueberries directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with banana 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ ULTRA BLEND program ingredients 1 cup baby kale 4 cup cilantro 4 avocado 1 date pitted 2 small kiwis peeled and quartered 1 teaspoon lime juice 1 teaspoon ginger root peeled 2 cup coconut water 3 cup ice directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with baby kale 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ BLEND program
  • Page 9 - English - : nutrient complete strawberry banana PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 2 This refreshingly sweet yet healthy smoothie is juicedup with potassium vitamin C and antioxidants watermelon raspberry cleanser PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 2 Sweet amp thirstquenching nutrientrich juices amp smoothies nutrientrich juices amp smoothies ingredients 1 banana peeled and halved 1 cup lowfat milk 2 tablespoons agave 1 cup frozen strawberries directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with banana 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ ULTRA BLEND program ingredients 1½ cups watermelon 1inch chunks ½ cup raspberries ¼ cup water ½ cup ice directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with watermelon 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ ULTRA BLEND program
  • Page 10 - English - : nutrient complete cherrylime rickeyade PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVING 1 This refreshing homemade sports drink will remind you of a childhood favorite buckwheat pancakes PREP TIME 2 2 hours CooK TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 4 Enjoy the texture and wholesome flavor of simple buckwheat pancakes nutrientrich juices amp smoothies breakfast M ingredients 2 tablespoons lime juice 12ounces coconut water 4 cup frozen cherries directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounces Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with lime juice 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ BLEND program 3 Pour mixture through a fine mesh strainer to extract the flavored water ingredients directions 1 Place the buttermilk egg oil and honey into the Pitcher 2 Turn unit ON select LOW and blend for 30 seconds 3 Add buckwheat flour allpurpose flour baking soda sugar and salt to the Pitcher and select LOW blend additional 30 seconds 4 Allow the batter to set for 2 hours or refrigerate overnight 5 On a lightly oiled griddle over medium heat cook batter in desiredsized pancakes until small bubbles form and edges dry Flip and cook until panake center is puffed and springs back when gently pressed ½ cup allpurpose flour 1¼ teaspoons baking soda ½ tablespoon sugar ½ teaspoon salt 1 cup buttermilk 1 egg beaten 3 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons honey ½ cup buckwheat flour
  • Page 11 - English - : nutrient complete chickenapple sausage PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 8 These homemade breakfast sausages are so healthy and delicious you wont believe it tomato basil scrambler PREP TIME 5 minutes CooK TIME 3 minutes SERVINGS 4 This simple and delicious breakfast is quick enough for any day of the week breakfast breakfast M ingredients directions 1 Place the onion apples and sage to the Pitcher Turn unit ON then hold down Auto iQ PULSE until finely chopped 2 Heat the olive oil in a medium skillet Add the onion and apples sautéeing several minutes until soft Remove from heat and place in a large bowl 3 To the same Pitcher place the chicken thighs then hold down AutoiQ PULSE until finely ground Add the ground chicken to the bowl with the onion and apple mix Add the cinnamon and season with salt and pepper Mix well using your hands 4 Preheat oven to 350F Form mixture into 8 patties and bake on a parchment lined cookie sheet for about 1012 minutes or until fully cooked 1 tablespoon olive oil plus additional oil for cooking sausages 1 small onion peeled and quartered 2 apples peeled cored quartered 1 pound boneless skinless chicken thighs 2inch chunks 3 cup fresh sage leaves 4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper 4 teaspoon kosher salt pinch of cinnamon ingredients 8 whole eggs 2 cup vine ripe tomatoes 2 cup mozzarella cheese 2 cup fresh basil loosely packed pinch of salt pinch of black pepper cooking spray directions 1 Place the eggs tomato mozzarella basil salt and black pepper into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup Turn unit ON then hold down AutoiQ PULSE until all ingredients are roughly chopped 2 In a nonstick sauté pan sprayed with cooking spray add the egg mixture then cook over mediumhigh heat stirring frequently until fluffy and cooked through
  • Page 12 - English - : nutrient complete gazpacho PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 8 Gazpacho a refreshing summertime soup is packed full of flavor and nutrition soup sides amp entrees butternut squash soup PREP TIME 10 minutes SERVINGS 4 This dairyfree soup gets its creaminess from the cashews and is loaded with flavor soup sides amp entrees MM ingredients 1 small red onion peeled and quartered 2 english cucumbers halved and quartered 1 yellow pepper quartered seeded 1 red pepper quartered seeded 3 pounds fresh tomatoes quartered seeded 3 ½ teaspoons kosher salt 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar 48 ounces tomato juice 1 teaspoon garlic minced directions 1 Working in batches add the red onion cucumber peppers amp fresh tomatoes to the Pitcher 2 Turn unit ON then hold down AutoiQ PULSE until ingredients are finely chopped Place each batch into a large mixing bowl 3 Add minced garlic red wine vinegar salt and tomato juice and mix well 4 Chill for at least 3 hours 5 Taste for seasonings before serving ingredients directions 1 Heat oil in a large saucepan and add the onions cooking until they begin to soften about 5 minutes Add the cashews and cook stirring for about 5 minutes 2 Add the carrot apple squash thyme and bay leaf to the pot and cook for 5 minutes Add the stock and stir to combine Bring the soup to a boil and reduce the heat to med low allowing to simmer until the squash is easily pierced with a knife 20 to 25 minutes Remove and discard bay leaf 3 Allow the soup to cool to room temperature Working in batches ladle the soup into the Pitcher Secure the lid and place the Pitcher onto the base Turn unit ON and select AutoiQ PUREE Heat soup to desired temperature before serving 2 pounds butternut squash cubed 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves 1 bay leaf 4 cups vegetable stock plus more to thin if desired 2 teaspoon kosher salt plus more to taste black pepper to taste 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 large yellow onion chopped 1 cup raw cashews 1 large apple peeled cored chopped 1 large carrot peeled chopped
  • Page 13 - English - : chopped salad PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVING 1 You wont believe how fast this salad comes together great for an onthego lunch or a quick dinner cauliflower couscous PREP TIME 15 minutes CooK TIME 57 minutes SERVINGS 4 This glutenfree alternative is sure to be a crowd pleaser soup sides amp entrees soup sides amp entrees MM Gluten FREE ingredients 1 cup romaine lettuce large chunks 4 ounces chicken breast precooked ½ cup cherry tomatoes ¼ cup kalamata olives ¼ cup feta cheese directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Pitcher in the order listed above starting with romaine lettuce 2 Turn unit ON then hold down AutoiQ PULSE for 3 pulses or until desired chop is achieved Top with your favorite dressing and enjoy ingredients directions 1 Preheat oven to 400F Place the cauliflower into the Pitcher Turn unit ON then hold down AutoiQ PULSE until finely chopped 2 Place the chopped cauliflower in a single lay on a cookie sheet and roast 57 minutes until some color is achieved and cauliflower is cooked Set aside 3 Place the rosemary garlic lemon oil salt and pepper in a medium mixing bowl and whisk to combine 4 Add the cauliflower to the bowl along the almonds and green onion Toss to combine Serve immediately ½ teaspoon kosher salt ½ teaspoon ground black pepper ½ cup sliced almonds ¼ cup green onion sliced 3 cups cauliflower 2inch florets 1 tablespoon rosemary stems removed chopped 1 garlic clove minced ½ lemon juiced ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Page 14 - English - : breakfast breakfast turkey meatballs PREP TIME 15 minutes CooK TIME 2025 minutes SERVINGS 15 meatballs Serve these bitesized treats to your friends as an appetizer or to your family as a quick and delicious meal fettuccine with kale amp sunflower pesto PREP TIME 25 minutes CooK TIME 20 minutes SERVINGS 2 A new twist on an old favorite A great way to use up those extra greens spinach works well too soup sides amp entrees soup sides amp entrees M K M ingredients directions 1 Add the turkey to the Pitcher Turn unit ON then hold down AutoiQ PULSE until turkey is finely chopped Do not overprocess 2 Transfer the turkey to a bowl and add onion garlic parsley cheese bread crumbs tomato paste egg salt and pepper mixing to combine Form mixture into mini meatballs 3 Lightly coat a large skillet with cooking spray Over mediumhigh heat sauté meatballs until browned on all sides about 5 minutes Add marinara sauce and simmer until sauce is thickened and meatballs are cooked through completely about 15 to 20 minutes ¼ cup tablespoons bread crumbs 2 tablespoons tomato paste 2 eggs beaten salt and pepper to taste cooking spray 4 cups marinara sauce 1 lb dark turkey meat 1inch cubes and wellchilled ½ onion peeled chopped 4 garlic cloves peeled and minced ¼ cup Italian parsley leaves chopped ½ cup parmesan cheese grated ingredients directions 1 Bring 4 quarts of salted water to a boil Blanch the kale leaves for 30 seconds and upon removal immediately plunge into ice water Squeeze the kale leaves dry and set aside 2 Add the kale basil garlic sunflower seeds parmesan lemon juicezest olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper to the Pitcher 3 Turn unit ON select MEDIUM and blend until desired consistency is achieved To serve atop your favorite pasta 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese zest juice of ½ lemon sea salt to taste freshly ground pepper ¼ cup olive oil more as needed ½ medium bunch kale stems removed ¼ cup fresh basil leaves packed 1 large garlic clove ¼ cup unsalted roasted sunflower seeds
  • Page 15 - English - : macadamia amp parmesancrusted tilapia blueberry honey mojito PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 3 PREP TIME 15 minutes CooK TIME 8 minutes SERVINGS 4 Blueberries are not only popular but also have high antioxidant capacities A rich flavorful entrée this tilapia recipe will have your family hooked soup sides amp entrees multicourse meals M M ingredients 2½ cups fresh blueberries 1 cup English cucumber 2 tablespoons mint stems removed 1 cup light rum 2 tablespoons honey ¾ cup pear juice 3 cups ice directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Pitcher in the ordered listed above starting with blueberries 2 Turn unit ON and select the AutoiQ FROZEN DRINKSSMOOTHIES program ingredients ¾ cup macadamia nuts ¼ cup cubed Parmesan cheese ¼ cup panko bread crumbs ¼ teaspoon kosher salt ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper 4 teaspoons Dijon mustard 4 6ounce tilapia fillets directions A rich flavorful entrée this tilapia recipe will have your family hooked 1 Preheat oven to 350F Place the macadamia nuts and Parmesan into the Pitcher Turn unit ON and select MEDIUM Blend until desired chop 2 Transfer chopped nuts to a mixing bowl then add the bread crumbs salt and black pepper stirring to combine 3 Spoon 1 teaspoon on each tilapia fillet with the mustard Spread the crust mixture evenly on top Lightly coat a baking pan with cooking spray and arrange fish on pan Bake for 20 minutes or until fish is cooked through
  • Page 16 - English - : classic margarita PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 4 This summertime party favorite is fool proof multicourse meals best blender salsa PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 32ounces You can depend on the flavor of this salsa every time Canned tomatoes create consistency and rich flavor multicourse meals For a chunky salsa consistency use 34 pulses M M ingredients 1 lime peeled cut in half 1 lemon peeled cut in quarters 3 cup orange juice ¼ cup Triple sec 3 cup Tequila 4 cups ice directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Pitcher in the order listed above starting with lime 2 Turn unit ON and select the AutoiQ FROZEN DRINKSSMOOTHIES program ingredients 2 10ounce cans tomatoes 1 white onion peeled and quartered 1 jalapeño pepper seeded 1 canned chipotle chile pepper with 2 tablespoons adobo sauce 1 bunch cilantro stems trimmed 1 lime peeled and quartered salt and pepper to taste directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Pitcher in the order listed above starting with tomatoes 2 Turn unit ON and hold down AutoiQ PULSE until desired consistency is achieved Cover and refrigerate for at least1 hour before serving
  • Page 17 - English - : classic hummus PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 2½ cups Adding roasted red peppers olives or roasted garlic will give this recipe your own personal twist Enjoy with homemade pita chips or fresh vegetable crudités for an entertaining favorite multicourse meals spinach amp artichoke dip PREP TIME 10 minutes CooK TIME 20 minutes SERVINGS 4 cups Teaming with vitamin K and vitamin A this nutritious appetizer has an incredibly robust flavor multicourse meals M ingredients 2 cups cooked drained garbanzo beans liquid reserved ¼ cup 2 tablespoons garbanzo bean liquid ¼ cup lemon juice ¼ cup tablespoons olive oil 1 garlic clove peeled 1 teaspoon ground cumin 8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon kosher salt directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with garbanzo beans 2 Turn unit ON then select AutoiQ PUREE ingredients ¼ cup mayonnaise ¼ cup sour cream 8ounces cream cheese 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 14ounce can artichoke hearts drained amp chopped ½ cup lowfat mozzarella cheese shredded ¼ cup parmesan cheese cut into pieces or grated 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 cup frozen spinach thawed excess liquid removed directions 1 Preheat the oven to 350 F Place all of the ingredients into the Pitcher in the order listed above except the spinach 2 Hold down AutoiQ PULSE until ingredients are combined 3 Add the chopped spinach and hold down AutoiQ PULSE until incorporated Spoon the dip into a heatresistant serving dish and bake for 20 minutes 4 Serve with sliced French bread Season with salt and pepper
  • Page 18 - English - : chocolate banana mousse PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 4 Avocado and banana makes a super smooth mousse in this quick and easy recipe The orange provides a tangy flavor desserts peach muffins PREP TIME 20 minutes CooK TIME 30 minutes SERVINGS 12 As soon as you try these healthy and delicious muffins they will instantly become your favorite desserts M ingredients 2 bananas ripe peeled quartered 2 avocados ripe peeled pitted quartered ¼ cup chocolate sauce juice of half an orange 2 tablespoons cocoa powder directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with banana 2 Turn unit ON and select AutoiQ PUREE 3 Place mousse into an airtight container and refrigerate until chilled ingredients directions 1 Preheat oven to 350F Lightly coat a 12cup nonstick muffin pan with cooking spray Place the peaches into the Pitcher Turn unit ON then hold down AutoiQ PULSE until finely chopped Remove peaches and set aside 2 Place the lemon juice oil milk yogurt vanilla and egg into the Pitcher Turn unit ON and select MEDIUM Blend until smooth 3 Add the sugar flour baking powder flaxseeds salt and chopped peaches and select MEDIUM Blend until smooth scraping bowl as needed 4 Scoop the mixture into the prepared muffin pan filling threequarters full 5 Bake for 30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted into the center comes out clean Cool before serving 1 large egg ¾ cup sugar 1¾ cups allpurpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ¼ cup ground flaxseeds ½ teaspoon kosher salt 1¼ cups sliced peaches 1 teaspoon lemon juice ¼ cup vegetable oil ½ cup lowfat milk ¼ cup nonfat yogurt 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • Page 19 - English - : vanilla nut frozen treat PREP TIME 5 minutes SERVINGS 4 Prepare your own guiltfree frozen dessert Plus add some fresh berries for a natural fruity taste desserts 36 37 FAQ The Motor Doesnt Start Or Attachment Doesnt Rotate Make sure the container is securely placed on motor base Ensure the lid is securely placed on the container in the correct position The appliance is turned Off Press the power button to turn On Check that the plug is securely inserted into the electrical outlet Check the fuse or circuit breaker Check to make sure the unit is not overloaded If the unit is overloaded the appliance will stop and the power light will flash Unplug and wait approximately 15 minutes before using again If the unit has overheated unplug and wait approximately 15 minutes before using again Food is Unevenly Chopped Either you are chopping too much food at one time or the pieces are uneven Processing smaller amounts per batch is ideal Food is Chopped Too Fine or Is Too Watery The food is over processed Use AutoiQ Pulse button for controlled process ing Food Collects On The Lid Or On the Sides Of The Container The mixture is to thick Add more liquid I have a blinking red light The unit is not installed properly For your safety the unit will only be able to be turned on when it is properly assembled Please refer to the assembly pages of this inspiration guide for assistance ingredients ½ cup vanilla oat milk 3 cup walnut halves ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract 4 teaspoon natural sweetener ¾ cup nonfat vanilla greek yogurt 1½ cups ice directions 1 Place all of the ingredients into the Regular 24ounce Nutri Ninja Cup in the order listed above starting with vanilla oat milk 2 Turn unit ON and select the Nutri Ninja AutoiQ ULTRA BLEND Program
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