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the user manual of the digital photo camera.
Ultra HD on USB
You can view photos in Ultra HD resolution from a
connected USB device or flash drive. The TV will
downscale the resolution to Ultra HD if the resolution
of the photo is higher. You cannot play a video with
native resolution higher than Ultra HD on any of the
USB connections.
For more information on viewing photos, in Help,
press the colour key Keywords and look
up Photos, Videos and Music.
For best quality, use an HDMI cable to connect the
camcorder to the TV.
You can connect your computer to the TV and use
the TV as a PC monitor.
Use an HDMI cable to connect the computer to the
With DVI to HDMI
Alternatively, you can use a DVI to HDMI adapter
(sold separately) to connect the PC to HDMI and an
audio L/R cable (mini-jack 3.5mm) to AUDIO IN L/R
on the back of the TV.
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