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4. The verification code will be sent to your mobile phone or email box, check and enter the right
code in 60 seconds, or it will need to be resent
5. Set the password. It should contain 6 to 20 characters, including letters and digits. Then you
have registered successfully
Step 3. Add Device
1. Make sure the room which your fireplace in has wi-fi
2. Make sure your mobile phone has connected the room’s wi-fi or hotspot
3. Click “Add Device
4. Choose “Small Home Appliance”, and choose “Heater”
5. Power on the fireplace, and confirm the power light rapidly blinks (2 times per second)
Notice: If the power light doesn’t flash, click “Help”, and follow the below 3 steps.
6. Enter the room’s wi-fi name and password, or hotspot’s name and password. Make sure the
fireplace and mobile phone have connected using the same wi-fi or hotspot. Then click
Notice: After you add the device successfully, your mobile phone can control the fireplace from
anywhere with wi-fi or another network. But you should keep the fireplace always connected to
the room’s wi-fi or hotspot. If the fireplace is off the network, the power light will be flashing.
7. Put your mobile phone near the fireplace, and wait for it to connect to the fireplace
automatically. When it runs to 100%, you have connected successfully.
Notice: When the fireplace is out of network, the power light will be always bright. Please
connect the fireplace with network following step 3.
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