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Bob’s mop, which is attached to his bottom, is designed to sit flat against the floor
and leave behind a clean trail. Because of this, Bob may have a tough time climbing
over elevated surfaces while mopping. Make sure to remove Bob’s mop when he is
not cleaning smooth surfaces such as tile or hardwood.
Sometimes Bob will attempt to drive up angled surfaces, getting stuck for a few min-
utes before deciding to clean somewhere else. This is because Bob wants to cover
every spot in your home and will try his hardest to overcome any obstacle!
As long as Bob does not indicate on his screen that there is a problem, let him find
his own way around your home and continue cleaning. Take note of the areas Bob
finds the most challenging, and if possible spread or adjust some of your furniture
The Solution: blOck (sold separately)
If Bob finds a part of your home challenging to clean, use blOck to keep him away.
blOck emits a digital boundary Bob will not cross.
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