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Use care when touching the cooktop. Theglass surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the
controls have been turned off.
_{::Avoid scratching the glass cooktop.
The cooktop can be scratched with items
such as sharp instruments, dngs or ofl_er
jeweh T.
;f; Nexer use the glass cooktop sur/_ace as a
cutting hoard.
_{_:Do not place or store items on top of the
glass cooktop surfi_ce when it is not in use.
_{_Be careflfl when placing spoons or other
stixTing utensils on glass cooktop surfi_ce
when it is in use. They may hecome hot
and could cause bums.
_f;Avoid heating an empty pan. Doing so may
damage the cooktop and the pan.
;f; Do not allow water; other liquids or g_ease
to remain on the cooktop.
_i!_ii,Do not operam dm glass surfi_ce elements
if the glass is broken. Spillo_>rs or cleaning
solution mW penetram a hroken cooktop
and c_eate a risk of electrical shock.
Contact a qualified technician immediately
should your glass cooktop become hroken.
_fi:,:Spilled or humt_on foods may cause
accidental actix ation or deactixation of the
keypad. Clean the keypad thoroughly, and
controls will resume nomml operation.
;_; To prexent accidental actixation of the
cooktop, do not place any objects on or
near the keypad.
_i:,:Clean the cooktop with caution. Always
lock the control panel using fl_e conuol
lock feature and wait nndl the entire glass
sur_ace is cool betbre attempting to clean
die cooktop. See die Locking the Cooktop
secdon for details. If a wet sponge or cloth
is used to wipe spills on a hot sur/_ace
element, be careflfl to ax_id smam hums.
Some cleansers can produce noxious
flm_es if applied to a hot snrfi_ce.
NOTE."h:e recommend that you moid
wiping any sur/_ace element areas until they
haw cooled and the indicator ]igt_t has
g_ne oft: Sugarspills are the exception to
this.Please see the Cleaning the glass
cooktop section.
_i:,iTo moid possihle damage to the cooking
surfi_ce, do not apply the cleaning cream
to the glass sur/_ace when it is hot.
;_;After cleaning, use a dU cloth or paper
towel to remove all the cleaning cream
_{:_Read and fbllow all instructions and
warnings on the cleaning cream labels.
;_;i,arg_ scratches or impacts to cooktops can
lead to 1)token or shauered glass.
_; Use care when touching the cooktop. The
glass suifi_ce of the cooktop will retain heat
after the conuols haw heen turned OFF..
_{_:Do not stand on the glass cooktop.
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