GE - General Electric PFSF2MJXBWW Official GE Bottom-mount Refrigerator

User Manual - Page 11


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About the automatic icemaker,
A newly installed refrigerator may take 12 to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Power Automatic Icemoker (onsomemodels)
Power FeelerArm
approximatelg100-130cubesina 24-hourperiod,
roomtemperature,numberof door openingsand
other useconditions.
Seebelowfor how to accessiceandreachthe
Ifthe refrigeratoris operatedbeforethe water
connectionismadeto the icemaker,setthe power
switchinthe O (off)position.
Whenthe refrigeratorhasbeenconnectedto
the water supplg,setthe powerswitchto the ! Ion)
position.Theicemakerpowerlightwillturn green
whenthe freezerlightswitch ispressedin or when
the freezerdoor isclosed.
Theicemakerwillfill withwaterwhenit coolsto
15°F(-10°C).A newlginstalledrefrigeratormaU
take 12to 24 hoursto beginmakingicecubes.
Youwill hear a buzzing sound each time
the icemaker fills with water.
Throwawagthe firstfew batchesof iceto allow
thewaterlineto clean
Besurenothinginterfereswith the sweep
ofthe feelerarm.
Whenthe bin fillsto the levelof the feelerarm,
the icemakerwill stop producingice.Itis normal
for severalcubesto bejoinedtogether.
Ifice isnot usedfrequentlg,old ice cubeswill
NOTE:Inhomeswith lower-than-overagewater
pressure,gou may hear theicemokercgc/emultiple
NOTE:Setthepowerswitchto the 0 (off)position
if thewater supplyis shutoff
To reach the power switch.
AthCCessingIceand Reaching
e Power Switch
Toreach the icemaker power switch, pull
the shelf above the ice binstraight out. Alwags
be sure to replace the shelf.
Toaccess ice, simplg pullthe bin forward.
To access ice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
Ifgourrefrigeratordid not come alreadgequipped
with an automaticicemaker,anicemaker
accessorgkit isavailableat extracost.
Checkthe backof the refrigeratorfor the specific
icemakerkit neededfor gourmodel.
Dispenser Cradle
To Use the Dispenser (on some models)
Pressthe glass gentlg against the top ofthe
Thespillshelfisnot self-draining.Toreducewater
spotting,the shelfshouldbecleanedregularlg.
If no water isdispensedwhentherefrigeratoris
firstinstalled,theremugbeair in the waterline
sgstem.Pressthedispenserarm for at leasttwo
minutesto removetrappedair from thewaterline
andto fill the watersystem.Toflushout impurities
in thewater line,throwowog thefirstsixglassfuls
of water.
Locking the Dispenser
Pressthe LOCKpadfor 3 secondsto lock
pressandholdthe padagainfor 3seconds.
Hold 3 seconds
To Use the Internal Water Dispenser
Thewaterdispenserislocatedon the leftwall
insidethe refrigeratorcompartment.
__ To dispense water:
0 Holdthe glass against the recess.
__---,_ O Pushthe waterdispenserbutton.
Holdtheglassunderneaththe dispenserfor
2-3 secondsafterreleasingthe dispenser
button.Watermagcontinueto dispense
afterthe button isreleased.
(on some models)
Ifno water is dispensed when the refrigeratoris
firstinstalled,there mo_t be airin the water line
sgstem. Pressthe dispenserbutton for at least
2 minutesto removetrappedair fromthe waterline
andto fill thewater sgstem.Duringthisprocess,
thedispensernoisemo_jbeloud ustheair is
purgedfromthewater linesgstem.Toflushout
impuritiesin thewater line,throw owo_jthefirst
6glassfulsof water
NOTE:Toavoidwater deposits,thedispenser
shouldbecleanedperiodicollLjb_twipingwith 11
o cleancloth or sponge.
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