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1 Mark the pesiIion of the side edge of the
saw base and then clamp the straighledge
on the mark and paraliet to the cut.
2 As you cut, keep the saw base edge Itush
against llle straightedge and ttat on the
Z_ WARNING: ALWAYS clamp and support workpiece securely, ALWAYS
malnlaln proper control of sew. Failure to clamp and support workplece and
lose of contro! of saw could result in serious Injury.
One of the most useful features of this type of
tool Is the abilify to start a cut anywhere on the
workplace surface -without the need of drilling
a starting hole, Plunge cutting is useful and limb
saving ter making rough openings in soil
materials, It makes it unnecessary to drill a ho_e
for an inside or pocket cut,
t Draw lines for lhe opening you want to cuL
2. Hold saw firmly and fitl It forward so only the
toe of Ille saw base reels on g_eworkplace
3,, MAKE SURE that the blade is well clear o! the
4. Slart the saw and then gradually tower the blade into the workplace, firmty holding lhe
tee el'the saw base to prevent side wobble.
5 Slowly pivot the saw downward like a hinge unlII the blade cuts through and tile base
rests flat on lhe workplece..
6 Begin sawing in the usual manner along the cut line.
I NOTE: DO NOT usa a scroll blade for plunge cutting ]
IMPORTANT; DO NOT try lo plunge cut intohard malefials, such as hardwoods like oak 1
or maple, or melats such as sleet.
1 Cut up lo the corner, then back up s_ightly before rounding shor! of the corner
2 Attar the opening is complete, go back to each corner and cut from the opposite
direction to square it elf
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