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ice Service
If your refrigerator has an automatic ice
maker_ it wiHHprovide a sufficient suppHy
of ice for normaH use. Durincj the initiaH
startup of your refricjerator, however, no
ice wiHHbe produced during the first 24
hours of operation. Air in new plumbing
Hines may cause the ice maker to cycHe
two or three times before making a fuHH
tray of ice. With no usacj% it wiHHtake
approximately one to two days to firththe
ice container.
New pHumbing connections may cause
the first production of ice cubes to be
discoHored or have an odd flavor. Discard
ice made during the first 24 hours.
Automatic ice makers are aHso optionaH
accessories that may be instaHHed
in most modeHs at any time. CaJl
1-800-4MY-HOME ® for information.
Turnlng your ice moker on
After the plumbing connections have been
compHeted, the water suppHy vaHve must
be opened. PHace the ice container under
the ice maker, pushing it as far bacH<as
possibHe. Lower the wire sicjnaH arm to its
°'down" or ON position.
Turnlng your ice rnoker off
ice maker, ON
lift the
wire signaH
arm until
it chicks
and Hocks
in the "up"
or OFF
The ice
ma ker
aHsoturns off: automaticaHHy when the ice
container is fuHH.If your modeH has an
adjustabHe freezer sheHf_pHace the sheHf in
the Mower position, so that the wire signaH
arm wiHHhit the ice when the container is fuHH.
Your ice maker is shipped from the factory
with the wire signal arm in the ON position.
To ensure proper function of your ice maker,
hook up water suppHyimmediately or turn
ice maker OFF by lifting the wire signal arm
untiHit chicks and Hocksin the UP position.
If the ice maker is not turned off: and the
water suppHy is not connected_ the water
valve wHHmake a Houdchattering noise.
Ice Procbction: What To r:xpect
The ice maker wiHHproduce 2 to 3 pounds
of ice every 24 hours dependincj on usage
conditions. Ice is produced at a rate of 8
cubes every 75 to t60 minutes.
Chemicals from a malfunctioning
softener can damage the ice maker.
(fthe (ce maker (s connected to soft
water, ensure that the softener (s
maintained and work(rig properly.
ke Moker Tips
* Ice cubes stored too long may deveHop
an odd flavor. Empty the ice container
and ensure that the wire sicjnaH arm is
in its _"down" or ON position. The ice
maker wiHHthen produce more ice.
" OccasionaHHy shake the ice container to
keep ice separated.
" Stop the ice maker when cleaning the
freezer and during vacations.
" if the ice maker wiHHbe turned off: for
a Honcj period of timer turn the water
suppHy vaHve to a dosed position.
For information on ice maker noises, see
Normat Operat(ng Sounds section.
DO NOT p(ace the (ce container (nyour
" Wash the ice container in warm water
with miHd detercjent Rinse weHHand dry.
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