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Aboutthe water filter.(onsomemodels) GEAppliances.com
Water Filter Cartridge
Thew.te,.lt. islo,.tedi.the
Colnparmlent.backUl)l)er xl"ght c°rner °f the refn'gerat°r
When to Replace the Filter
There is a replacel/,ent indicator light tor
tile water filter cam_idge on tile dispenser.
This light will mrn orange_ to tell _ou that
you need to replace the filter soon.
The filter cartridge should be replaced
when tile replacement indicator light turns
red or if the flow of water to the dispenser
or icei/laker decreases,
Place flTetop of flTecartridge up
inside the cartridge holder and
slowly turn it to the right.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
0 If you are replacing tile cartridge, fit_t
remove the oM one by slowly turning
it to the left. Do not pull down on the
cartridge. A small amount of water may
drip down.
Fill the replacement cartridge with
water fl'om the tap to allow fi)r better
fl()w fi'om the dispenser imm ediately
after instnllation.
I,ining up tile arrow on tile cartridge
and the cartridge holde,; place the
top of the new cartridge up inside
the holder: Do not push it up into
the holde,:
Slowly mrn it to the right tmtil the filter
cartridge stops. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
_s you mrn tile cartridge, it will
automatically raise itself into position.
Cartridge will rotnm about 1/4 ttlFn.
O Rim water from the dispenser fin.
3 minutes (about galhms) to clear
tile ,s_ stem and I_re_ ent slmttering.
Press and hold tile RESET WATERFILTER
pad on tile dispenser fin" 3 seconds.
NOTE"A new/yqnstalledwaterfiltercartridgemay
causewater to spurt fromthedispenser
Filter Bypass Plug
You must use the filter bypass I_lug
when a replacement filter cartridge is not
available, Tile dispenser and tile icemaker
will not operate without the filter or filter
bypass ph N.
Replacement Filters:
To order additional filter cartridges
in the United States, visit our Website,
GEAppliances.com,or call
GE Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002.
(;'(,_ F
Suggested Retail $34.95/JSD
Custome_ in Canada should consult
the )ellow pages ti)r the nearest Camco
Service Center:
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