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%educetheriskofre, electricshock,ornuy topersonsreadtheIMPORTANTSAFETY
Usethisapplianceonly{or its intended purpose as described in this User Guide.
When using ths appliance always exerc se basic safety precaut ons nc udhg the fo lowing:
This app%nce is not intended #;r use by young children or nfirn persons without supervision
Young ch dre/shoud be supevsed to ensue they do not play wth the appance
//isk of child e/trapment Before you throw away your od err gerato or f eezer:
lake off the doo/s
eave he shelves n place so that children may not easily climb nsde
Extleme care must be taken whes disposing of your old appliance to avoid hazards. The
_efrgeantgasmus be safdy removed and fo_the sa'รท,tyof young ch dreq emovedoors
Your Fisher&PaykeJApp ancesAuthorisedServce(enterw be abe togveadvceon
env onmental y friendly methods of d spos _g of your od efrigeraLor or freezer
Ths appiiance must be popery nstalJed n accordance with the nstaliat on instruct on before it
s used
Never unpug your refr ge/ator by pulng on tke power cord
Aiwaysgrpheplugf miyaqdpu straight out from theouJet.
Do not: plug in any ohel appliance at:ts powe/point or use ex eqs o / colds or dou }[e adapters
//epa r or rep ace mined ately al eJectr c service cords that have become frayed or otherw se
damaged Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrason along its ength o at eithe the plug
o applance e/d
fthe power supply co_d is danaged, t must only be replaced by your Fsher & Paykel Appances
Authorised Selv ce Center because speca purpose tools are requ red
When moving you app ante away from he wall be careful no to o over or damage he
Unplug your err geracor before deaniqg or epJacng the lightbuJb
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