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For information on the operadon of the _ce & Water control panel please refer to
the _ce & Water User Gui(te,
Temperature Control
Whe/t/emfti _watoris f st u /edon, thepowerfuicoolngsystemw autonaicalycoolboth
refrigerator and freezer co npa tmen s to th@ set temperatures Ths win take between 2
hours depe/ding on the temperature and humdty of he env onment
The two compartmen temperatures are accurately asd independently control ed and do not
change with thetempeatureorhundtyofthesu oundings;whethersu]_merorwnter
if youwshtoalterthetemperaureofetherthefeshfoodconpartmen o/feezer
conpatme/t, this ca _ be easily done }y using the Cont ol pane ocaeda the back of the flesh
Control Panel o adust tempe atures
Fresh/ood and f eezer
compartment indicator
Itic eas(-' tern p(i atu re button
Compa truer t
select bt ttor lem >erattre
Fresh Food Compartment irdi(ator (tbermomote)
Tile fresh food compartment light on the err gerator diagla _/wili be showing The te x/perature
ind ca or Iius ra ed }y a t:/ermornete will show the empelatu e setng for this compart ]lent as
aseriesof ghs.
The temperature may be a reded by p ess ng the inc ease temperatu e or decease te s_peratu e
buttons One press on e thet of these >uttonsw produceadimner ghtwhichindicatesa
sinai change in temperatu e
Pressing eitherbttton wcegivesab ghter gh and ndcatesagreaterchangeinternperaure.
Fewer lighs on the thermometer means a cooie temperatu e for the compartment se ected
Freezer Foods Compartment
oadustt/efeezertenperatuepresstsecompartmentseectbuttonuntlt/e 9i/tfasheson
the freezer compart nent ind cator
The freezer tempe ature can be aite ed by p essing the ncrease or decease temperature buttons.
One pess on ether of these buttons will poduce a drainer light which ndcates a sinai change
intemperatue Pressngeihetbuttontwcegivesa }rghte ghtand ndicatesageaterchange
in empe_atu e
Note: Successively press ng the co npartmen select }uton wi automat caiy seect between t:/e
compartments a rerun to he fresh [ood compartment wll )e accompan ed by a longer beep
When the door is eopenedthecontro panelw eturn automat ca ly to the fresh food
compartment setting.
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