Alcolimit ALCO-065 WORKSafe Professional Breathalyser

User Manual - Page 17

For ALCO-065.

PDF File Manual, 21 pages, Read Online | Download pdf file

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WARNINGS (Please read carefully)
• Closedroomswithpoorventilation,pollution,smokeorairconditioningmaydelaythetimefor
resetting between tests.
• Avoidtestinginthepresenceofanysubstancesthatcontainmethylalcohol,isopropylalcohol
or acetone. These substances may interfere with the results of the test.
• Notwaitingatleast20minutesafteryourlastalcoholicdrinkwillcauseinaccuratereadings,and
if you continue to misuse ALCOLIMIT this way you will damage the sensor beyond repair (not
covered under warranty). Have a glass of water or other non-alcoholic beverage to minimise
alcohol vapour in your mouth as the vapour can cause a higher reading.
• Retest2-3timestoobtainareliabletestresult.Wesuggestyouthenwaitafurther10-20
minutes and retest to check that your level has stabilised and not increased.
• Bloodalcoholconcentrationcancontinuetoriseforupto2hoursafterthecessationof
drinking. If the reading is close to the limit it is advised to wait a further 10-20 minutes and re
test to determine whether your %BAC has stabilised.
• Itcantake10hoursormoretoreturntoazeroreadingafterahighbloodalcohollevelhasbeen
reached. A further test should be carried out later in the day or the following morning.
• IfyouaretakingALCOLIMIToverseasorusingitatadierentaltitudepleasebeawarethatthe
calibration may be aected.
• Donotblowcigarettesmokeorliquidintothetester.
• Alcoholaectseachindividualdierentlydependinguponmanyfactors;typeofalcohol,
muscle mass, weight, full or empty stomach, immune system, gender, regularity of drinking.
• Thosewithdiabetesmayndtheycandrinklargevolumesofalcoholyetstillread0.00%BAC.
This does not mean your ability to drive is not impaired.
• DonotuseALCOLIMITasatooltodrinkanddrive.Thereisnosafelevelofalcoholconsumption
before driving or operating machinery.
• TheonlytrueindicationofyourBloodAlcoholConcentration(BAC)isabloodtest.Theresults
obtained from a personal breath alcohol tester cannot be used in a court of law.
Keep free from dust, dirt, and small particles as they may clog the sensor.
Keep in a cool dry place.
Keep out of extreme temperatures.
Keep out of reach of children.
Keep away from electrical interference.
Do not drop, knock or shake.
pg-16 pg-17
Version 1.1
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