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Will not start
Engi'ne will not
turn over
Engine clicks but
will not start
Loss of power
Excessive vibration
1 Out of fiJel, 1 Fill fuel tank. "
2 Bad spark plug, 2 Replace spark plug.
3 Dirty air filter. 3 Clean/replace air filter.
4 Water in fuel. 4 Empty fuel tank and carburetor,
refill tank with fresh gasoline and
replace fuel filter.
5 Loose or damaged wiring, 5 Check all wiring.
6 Engine valves out of adjustment. 6 Contact a qualified service center
1 Dirty airfitter. 1 Clearqreplace air filter.
2. Bad spark plug. 2 Replace spark plug.
3 Weak or dead battery. 3 Recharge or replace battery.
4 'Stale or dirty fueL 4 Empty fuel tank and refill tank
with fresh, clean gasoline,
5 Loose or damaged wiring. 5 Check all wiring,
6 Engine valves out of adjustment. 6 Contact a qualified service center,
1 Clutch/brake pedal noi depressed, 1 Depress clut'ch!brake pedai.
2 Deck clutch isengaged, 2 Disengage deck clutch.
3 Weak or dead battery. 3 , Recharge or replace battery,
4 Blown fuse. 4 RepJace fuse.
5 Corroded battery terminals. 5 Ciean battery terminals.
6 Loose or damaged widng, 6 Check all wiring.
7 Faulty ignition switch, 7 Checl<,lreplace ignition switch,
8 Faulty solenoid or starter. 8 Check/replace solenoid or starter.
9 Faultyoperatorpresenceswitch{es). 9 Contact a qualified service center,
1 Weakordeadba ,ry. .....i RechargeorrepSasebattery.
2 Corroded battery terminals; 2 Clean battery terminals.
3 Loose or damaged wiring, 3 Check all wiring,
4 Faulty solenoid or starter. 4 Check/replace solenoid or starter.
1 'Cutting too much grass/too fast. 1 Raise cutting height/reduce speed.
2 Build-up of grass, leaves and trasl" 2 Clean underside of mower
under mower, housing.
3 Dirty air filter. 3 Clean/replace air filter,
4 _Low oil level/dirty oil 4 Check oit level/change oil.
5 Faulty spark plug. 5 Clean&regaporchangesparkplug
6 Stale or dirty fuel. 6 Empty fuel tank and refill tank
wth fresh, clean gasoline.
7 Water in fuel. 7 Empty fuel tank and carburetor,
refill tank with fresh gasoline.
8 Spark plug wire loose. 8 Connect & tighten spark plug wire
9 Dirty engine air screen/fins. 9 Clean engine air screen/fins.
10 Dirty/clogged muffler. 10 Clean!repface muffler,
11 Loose or damaged wiring. 11 Check atl wiring.
12 Engine valves out of adjustment. 12 Contact a qualified service center.
Replace blade, Tighten blade
1 Worn, bent or loose blade, 1 bolt.
2 Bent blade mandrel. 2 Contact a qualified service center,
3 Loose/damaged part(s). 3 Tighten loose part(s),Replace damaged parts,
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