For VBXR1090DAWW. Also, The document are for others Hotpoint models: VVSR1070*, VBXR1090*, VBSR31O0*, VWSR4150*, VLXR1020*

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About the washer features.
NOTE:Not all features are available on all washer models.
The Agitator Cap or Fabric Softener Dispenser (depending on model)
The agitator cap fits into tile top of tile
agitntox: ]fit accidentnlly comes off,
simply put it 1)ack oil.
The fabric softener dispenserautonmfically
releases liquid lid)rio softener at tile
proper time during tile cycle.
Do not stop the washer during the first spin.
This will cause the dispensertoempty
_] A(ld water to dispenser tmfil it reaches
tile inaxhn/inl fill lille.
Touse, follow these steps:
[-_ Make stlre dispenser is se('tlrely
attnched to agitntor
[_ ILrse onl} liquid rid)tic soflenei;
Petit into dispensei; tlsin(,,_ _lI/lO/Int
recolnnlended ()n package.
Never pour fabric softener directly on
clothes. It may stain them.
Donot pour anything into the agitator if the
agitator cap or dispenser is removed.
Separate for cleaning
Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser (depending on model)
_] Remoxe tile dispenser fl'om tile top of tile agitntm:
I I I ,, I , I I ,
[_Se )arate the dis )enser cu ) fi'om the coxer 1)_ gras )ing the to ) and )ushing down (m
the inside of the cup _4tl/)our fingels. Dispenser cup will pop fi'ee fi'om the co\ er.
_]To clean the dispensei; soak both the dispenser cup and the dispenser coxer ill the
fi_llowing solution:
I cup(240m/)bleach
[_]f necessar), loosen 1)uild-up with a clean, soft cloth after soaking. Do not use a stiff
brush; you, max, roughen, .... tile SUll'il ce of tile disi)enser.
N Rinse and reasselnble dispensei: Place dispenser back on tile agitntoi:
Liquid Bleach Dispenser (depending on model)
Tile dispenser dilutes liquid chlorine 1)leach beflwe it reaches into yam" wash load.
_] Check clothing care labels fiw special instructions.
[_ Measure liquid 1)leach carefldly, fl)llowing instructions on tile bottle.
E] Before stnrting tile washei; i)our ineasured alnount of 1)leach directl) into 1)lea(h
disi)enser A_oid si)lashin_, or ox elqilling, disi)enser ]f_ou, I)refer to riseI)°wdered
bleach, add it into tile wash basket with w)ur (letelgent.
M/klbgcanproducea toxicgaswhichmaycausedeath.
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