Avision AD260 A Fast, Reliable, and Easy-to-use Scanner

User Manual - Page 62

For AD260.

PDF File Manual, 135 pages, Read Online | Download pdf file

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4- 31
Com pre ssion:
To com plet e your scan at a rat ed speed, t he scanned im age is
com pressed by default during t ransm ission. However, if you
wish t o obt ain t he highest im age qualit y, you can choose t o
uncom press t he im age data before it is output.
To Applicat ion:
Choose if you wish t o com press t he im age dat a and t ransfer it
from t he TWAI N driver t o t he applicat ion. Not e Bi- t onal im ages
are norm ally com pressed using CCITT standard called Group 4
( G4) . Color and grayscale im ages are oft en com pressed using
JPEG t echnology. Move t he [ I m age Qua lit y] slider t o t he right
or left t o increase or decrease your im age qualit y . Not e t he
great er t he im age qualit y, t he lower t he com pression level.
Default is 50% .
Not e that t he com pression depends on your im age edit ing
applicat ion. I f your im age edit ing applicat ion does not support
t he t ype of com pression form at, t hen t he im age of t he
com pressed file will look abnorm al.
From Scanne r: ( N ot e : The a va ilabilit y of t his fe a t u r e
va rie s due t o scanne r m ode l.)
Choose if you wish t o com press t he scanned im age and t ransfer
it from t he scanner t o t he TWAI N driver.
Choice: Uncom pressed, * Best I m age Qualit y ( Low Com pression
Level) , Bet t er I m age Qualit y ( Norm al Com pression Level) ,
Norm al I m age Qualit y ( High Com pression Level) . ( * : Factory
Default )
I m age
I m age
Scanner Dr iver
I m age Editing
Applicat ion
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