TCL 65X7 Series X 65 inch X7 QLED TV AI-IN


For 65X7. Series: Series X
Additionally, the document applies to other TCL models: P8M

PDF File Manual, 21 pages, Read Online | Download pdf file

Figures and illustrations in this User’s Guide are
provided for reference only and may dier from
actual product appearance. Product design and
specications may be changed without notice.
For use with models: P4/P6/C4/C6/C8/X4/X7/P8M series
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Other documents for TCL 65X7

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User Manual Specification Photos


TCL 65X7 Questions and Answers

#1 Why can't I tune in any channels?

Make sure that they are connected to an
external/Outdoor antenna. If they are using rabbit ears
antenna, it may not be good enough for reception
Make sure that the TV antenna socket is connected to
the wall antenna outlet
Once step 1 and step 2 have been checked, ask the
customer to do a scan of off the channels. If they
receive channels, problem solved. If not, continue to
step 4
Try another antenna cable, it may be broken.
Go outside and check the position of the TV antenna.
Compare it to the neighbour's antenna; it should be
pointing in the same direction. It must point to the
transmission tower. If it is pointing in the wrong
direction, they may need to call an antenna installer
to correct. If it is correct, continue to step 6
If the home has multiple antenna points, try the TV at
another point. If the TV works at another point, then the
problem may be only at the original point, and the
customer will need to call an antenna installer to
Finally, check if there are any power supplies or
adaptors near the TV. Turn them off, and see if one may
cause the TV not to tune.
If all of the above have been checked, and the customer
still can't tune channels, they will need to arrange a
service call on the TV

#2 Why is my AV not working?

Check the cable, try another one if possible. A broken
cable is the most common AV problem
Make sure that "AV in" is selected, not "AV OUT"
Make sure AV and component inputs are not mixed up-
on some models, the Green component input is shared
with AV input

#3 Why is there no picture on my TV?

Make sure that mains power is connected, and ask if
they see at stand-by light
If they do see a standby light, tell them to check the
batteries in the remote, or try the power button or ch
+/ch- button on the side/bottom of the TV
Depending on the model, the TV may have a mains
power switch. Make sure the mains power switch is
turned on
If the TV standby light goes of when they press power,
can they hear sound? If they can, ask the customer to
press the MENU button on the remote. If they see the
menu, there may be a broadcast problem. If they cannot
see a menu, they may need to arrange a service call on
the TV
Ask is the customer can see a glow in the screen, even
if there is no menu. They can confirm this by getting
them to give the screen a very very gentle tap. If they
see no glow, then they will need to arrange a service call
Finally, ask if the customer has Foxtel (pay TV in
Australia). If they have accidently pressed the AV button
on the Foxtel remote, the screen will be black. Ask that
the "FOXTEL" button on the Foxtel remote

#4 Why do I have no picture through my HDMI input?

Check the HDMI input number on the back of the TV
(where the cable is connected), and make sure that it
corresponds the selected input on the TV
If the customer has another HDMI cable, ask that they
try another cable
Make sure that the device (Blu Ray/Media Player/etc) is
powered on, and correct settings are used
If all of the above fail, a service call may be required
Note- If the customer is trying to connect a PS3/PS4,
they may need to reset their device. When they do this,
the PS3/PS4 will automatically set its settings so it will
be compatible with the TV. This is done by pressing and
holding the power button until a second "beep" is heard.

#5 Why is my component video not working correctly?

With Component Video, you must make sure that the 3
coloured cables Green (Y), PbCb (Blue), PrCr (Red). On
top of this, you will also need to connect the Left (White)
and Right (Red) cables for Audio. So, a total of 5
connections will be required. Some problems that may
be experienced with component input:
The picture may be red or blue- The red and blue cables
may be reversed or broken
The picture is in black and white- AV may be selected
instead of component
The picture is distorted- AV may be connected to
Y(Green) input

See other models: 22D2900 50E17US 55E19 60P4US 43P8M