Samsung QN49Q70RAFXZA Questions & Answers

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2 Questions

  • User Non avatarJohn boy2 years ago

    correction to my last post . my remote will control the volume of the optically connected sound bar but not the power of the sound bar. I power on the sound bar manually at the unit . remote controls the tv and sound bar volume
    (tv speakers are off). When I use remote to power off tv it does so but does not power off the sound bar. I believe with the correct set up it should power both units on and off. If I’m wrong please tell me. If right please tell me what to do. Thanks so much.

  • User Non avatarJohn boy2 years ago

    Im using a Sony Sound Bar connected by optical cable. As long as I manually power on at the sound bar the remote will control the volume. when I power down the Tv the power bar also powers down But when I power back up only the Tv comes on , not the sound bar. solution please.