Renpho RF-EM001 Questions & Answers

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2 Questions

  • Hi. Just bought my eye massager. Only had a few days. It won’t charge. I plugged my cord from unit into my wall phone charger. Will this not work ? Help. Thanks

  • User Non avatar #104908 United States10 months ago

    Please check:

    1. Please confirm the status of the light indicating on the device when it is charging.
      Did the indicator light turn blue from red?
    2. Please confirm if the output of the power adapter is 5V/1000ma.
    3. How long have you charged the eye massager? Have you tried to change another Micro USB Cable or different outlets to see if it works?

    If this problem persists, please contact RENPHO customer service at [email protected].

  • Can you turn music off

  • User Non avatar #100548 Asia1 year ago

    Yes, you can turn the music off by tapping on the music note. Tapping on the note makes the volume louder and louder until around the fifth tap, turns the sound off completely.