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Function buttons
The buttons can be used to set additional functions.
Use this button to set the different modes
Use this button to adjust the setting values upwards. Press and
hold the button to rapidly adjusted the time (hold for a minimum
of 5 seconds).
Use this button to adjust the setting values downwards. Press
and hold the button to rapidly adjusted the time (hold for a
minimum of 5 seconds).
Use this button to set the lock function.
The oven cavity
The oven lights are located in each cooking compartment. During oven
operation, the oven lights are on. By turning the function selectors to any
position, the oven lights can also be switched on without the oven heating up.
A cooling fan protects the oven from overheating.
The cooling fan switches on and off as required. The hot air escapes above the
So that the cooking compartment cools down more quickly after operation, the
cooling fan continues to run for a certain period afterwards.
There are shelf racks either side of the cavities that accessories such as the wire
shelves, baking tray, etc. can be inserted in to.
The coating of the oven cavities are enamel.
Before you use the accessories for the first time, clean them with hot soapy
water and a soft dish cloth.
Clean all accessories by hand, do not clean in the dishwasher.
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