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*Depending on model
Plug your steam generator into an earthed socket.
Press the «ON-OFF» button.
When you switch on the appliance the «NORMAL» button flashes and the light on the iron also flashes while the
iron is warming up.
NOTE: If you wish to begin ironing delicate fabrics first, press the «MIN» button straightaway before the iron has
reached the «normal» temperature setting as this will be too hot.
The MIN(DELICATES)/ NORMAL/ MAX(JEANS) buttons control the temperature and steam combinations that are
suitable for different types of fabrics. They may be selected at any time.
The light of the selected button MIN(DELICATES)/ NORMAL/ MAX(JEANS) remains flashing until the iron is ready
for use (after approximately 2 minutes).
Operating the control panel
• The light of the selected button MIN(DELICATES)/ NORMAL / MAX(JEANS) flashes while the appliance is warming up.
The red «Water tank empty» light is flashing: the water tank is empty. Fill the water tank and press the «OK» button
for the light to switch off. See paragraph «Filling the water tank during use».
The orange «Anti-calc» light is flashing: maintenance is required, see paragraph «Maintenance and cleaning».
Your steam generator comes with an automatic shut-off system after approximately 8 minutes without use. Only the
blue light of the «ON-OFF» button is flashing: the steam generator is on standby. Press the «ON-OFF» button or the
steam control button to start ironing again. See paragraph «AUTO-OFF» System.
Steam ironing
Do not place the iron on a metal support.When taking a break from ironing, always place the iron on the iron
rest plate of the unit. It is equipped with non-slip pads and has been designed to withstand high temperatures.
To obtain steam, press the steam control button under the iron handle. The steam will stop when you release the
After approximately one minute, regularly while it is being used, your steam generator’s electric pump injects water
into the boiler. It makes a noise but this is quite normal.
• If you are using starch, always spray it onto the reverse side of the fabric to be ironed.
Smart Technology Auto Control
During first use or if you have not used the steam function for a few minutes, press the steam control button several
times in a row holding the iron away from your laundry. This will remove the cold water from the steam circu
Your steam generator is fitted with SMART TECHNOLOGY AUTO CONTROL electronic regulation which gives you a
choice of three optimum temperature and steam combinations.
Warning, fabrics with the symbol
are not suitable for ironing.
Start with the fabrics to be ironed at a low temperature and finish with those that need higher temperature.
When you select a higher temperature, you can continue to iron provided that you are not ironing a more delicate fabric
that requires a lower temperature.
If you select a button to reduce the temperature you should wait until the blue iron light has stopped flashing before
continuing to iron.
If you are in doubt about the type of fabric an item of clothing is made from, check the label.
* If you are ironing woollen garments, press repeatedly on the steam control button without placing the iron on the
garment. This will avoid it becoming shiny.
The «ECO» function allows you to reduce energy consumption for the selected mode. To change to «ECO»
mode, select MIN(DELICATE) / NORMAL / MAX(JEANS) mode and then press the «ECO» button. To exit
«ECO» mode, press the «ECO» button again.
Settings Recommended use Labelling Examples
Best for all
standard linen.
Cotton, wool*, silk, polyester, cashmere, mohair,
viscose, and synthetic/cotton mixes.
The most effective for
thick or difficult to iron
Linen, thick cotton, jeans (dark colours).
Very gentle, for the most
delicate items and sensi-
tive colours.
Acetate, elastane, polyamide, acrylic and synthetic
Note: do not use steam to iron acrylic or
modacrylic fabrics.
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