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on the slam ball side of the FITBENCH. From a few feet away, get into a split lunge stance, with
right knee and left toe on the ground. With a handle in each palm, extend arms straight over
head. With a controlled motion and without moving your upper arms, lower palms to your ears.
Pause, then raise them back up to start position. Do this several times and switch stance.
5) Close grip incline FITBENCH pushup: Get into a plank position on one of the long sides of
the FITBENCH, so your body is perpendicular to the FITBENCH. Position your hands so they
are very close together placing your palms on the top. Keeping your elbows close to your body,
perform a pushup in a fluid motion. Remember to engage your core and keep your hips in-line
with the rest of your body.
Back Exercises
1) Standing rear lateral raise: Grab a set of dumbbells (heavy/medium weight). Feet should be
shoulder-width apart with a bend at the waist, so torso is parallel to the floor. Let weights hang
down with palms facing in and a slight bend in the elbows. Keeping the same bend in arms,
raise both weights so forearms are parallel with the floor. Pinch your shoulder blades together.
Pause, and then slowly lower weights back down to starting position. Remember to engage
your core on this exercise.
2) Standing supported single arm kettlebell row: Raise FITBENCH top 1 or 2 positions up.
Grab a kettlebell and stand behind raised top end. Hold kettlebell in right hand with palms
facing in (other grips can be used to reach different muscle groups). Place your left hand on the
FITBENCH top in front of you and bend at the hips. Let the kettlebell hang at arm’s length.
Keep your elbow next to your side as you row the weight to the side of your torso. Pause and
then slowly lower to starting position.
Increased difficulty: Perform this same exercise not supporting yourself on the
FITBENCH top, but rather locking core and resting the arm not being used on thigh.
This exercise can be increased even more by raising one leg behind so it is in line with
upper body and doing the same row exercise.
3) Inclined FITBENCH reverse fly: Raise FITBENCH top to 45-degrees. Grab dumbbells
(medium/light weight) and lay face down on FITBENCH top. Your entire body should be at the
same angle, from your heels to your neck. Hang dumbbells straight down from shoulders with
palms facing the rear (can also be done with palms facing in). Engage your core and raise your
arms straight out to your sides until they are in line with your body. Pause, then slowly return to
the starting position.
4) Superman rows: While lying face down on the FITBENCH flat top, position body so toes are
pointed straight out and slightly elevated. Arms are straight out in front of head, palms facing
each other. Lift chest off of the top so just belly is touching the top. Pull arms straight back,
FITBENCH LLC | 925 N Genesee Street, Unit 108350, Delafield, WI 53018
US and International Patent Pending
© 2018 FITBENCH, LLC All Rights Reserved
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