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6) Slam ball Bulgarian split squat: Grab the slam ball from the FITBENCH. Put the top of
your left foot on the top of the FITBENCH with your right foot on the floor, a stride away. Press
the slam ball above your head with a slight bend in your arm. Squat down until your left knee
just hovers over the floor. Pause and press back to starting position. (Remember to never let
your front knee go past your front toes.) Do several reps, then switch.
7) Dumbbell slit jump: Grab two dumbbells (medium/light weight). From a standing position,
lower your body into a split squat. Keep your torso upright and core engaged. Jump up with
enough force to get both feet off the floor. While in the air, scissor-kick your legs so you land
with the opposite leg forward. Land softly and repeat – alternating back and forth between each
Calf Exercises
1) Dumbbell calf raise: Grab one 30lb dumbbell from the FITBENCH and place it on the floor.
Increase the FITBENCH top to the max height, as you will use this for stabilization. Place your
right foot onto the handle of the dumbbell, adjusting so the ball of your foot is over the handle.
With a straight leg and torso, raise your heel off the floor as high as possible. Pause, lower, and
repeat. The FITBENCH top can be used for balance. Do several reps and then switch legs.
2) Straight leg calf hop: Standing straight up with good posture and feet just inside your
shoulders, jump up using just your calf muscles to propel you off the floor. Go for height. Land
and repeat, doing quick hops. Grab a pair of light dumbbells to make this exercise more
Hamstring Exercises
1) Single leg hip raise with foot on FITBENCH: Place your right heel on the FITBENCH with
your back and butt on the floor. Extend your left leg straight out and press your hips up with
your right leg, until hips are in line with torso as well as your left extended leg. Do several reps,
then switch.
2) Single leg dumbbell straight leg deadlift: Grab a set of heavy dumbbells and hold them at
either side of your body (overhand grip). Stand with your feet shoulder-width and knees slightly
bent. Balance on your right leg and bend at your hips. Do not change the bend in your right
knee and keep your left leg in line with your torso. Lower your torso until parallel with the floor.
Pause, then return to the starting position. Do several reps, then switch.
FITBENCH LLC | 925 N Genesee Street, Unit 108350, Delafield, WI 53018
US and International Patent Pending
© 2018 FITBENCH, LLC All Rights Reserved
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