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3. Remove battery pack.
5. After the beeping
stops, press
and release the
Program button
once more. The
LED will flash
green and red,
and the auto-
handing process
will begin.
Note: It can take
a few seconds
for the handing
to start.
4. Press and HOLD
the Program
button while
the battery pack.
Keep holding
the button for 30
seconds or until
the lock beeps
and the status
LED flashes red.
Then release the
Program button.
6. The latch will retract and extend
to learn the orientation of the
door. This confirms the Factory
Reset has been completed.
The LED will flash green if auto-
handing is successful or red if
auto-handing is unsuccessful.
If the Factory Reset is not
successful, perform the steps
again until the LED flashes green
and red.
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