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Continuous draining outlet
Rubber plug
Water tank draining outlet
-Replace the empty tank back into the unit, and once seated correctly, the unit will start
up again.
-You should hear a click when the tank is in the correct position.
-Do not remove the float in the tank, otherwise the sensor will not be able to sense the
water level properly, so that the water will overflow from the tank when the it's full.
Water can be automatically emptied into a floor drain by attaching a draining hose to
the dehumidifier.(It may be helpful to remove the water tank first so you can see the
connection better. )
Note: The inner diameter of draining outlet is 0.39 inches.
2.Continuous Draining
-Be sure to run the slopping water hose downward to let the water flow out smoothly.
-When on manual drainage method, insert the "rubber plug" on the continuous draining
outlet to prevent water leakage.
-When on continuous drainage method, use the draining hose, insert the "rubber plug"
on the water tank draining outlet to prevent water leakage.
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