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2.Striking the Right Carbon-Nitrogen Balance
The magic of composting lies in the interaction between carbon compounds (brown) and nitrogen compounds
(green). The perfect ratio of carbon to nitrogen in compost is close to 25:1 to 30:1, at the right
wet and dry level.
3.Get the Feel of Your Pile
A. If you are a home gardening enthusiast, you only need to put the daily kitchen waste into the compost
according to the volume of brown material: green material about 1:3. You can also purchase commonly
used microbial composting agents to use with them.
B. If you are a professional compost maker, you can browse relevant gardening books and websites to
obtain the carbon and nitrogen content of various materials, and use professional calculation methods
to control the results.
When the ratio is lower than ideal (too much nitrogen), the pile will be slimy and stinky; simply add
more brown materials.
When the ratio is higher than ideal (too much carbon), the pile will be dry; simply add more green
In general, carbon-rich materials should form the bulk of the pile. A good rule of
thumb is that each time you add a batch of nitrogen-rich ingredients, add roughly 4 times that amount
in carbon-rich ingredients (in volume, not weight).
What can WasteCycler's fermentation mode do for composting?
1.The intelligent low-temperature fermentation function of the WasteCycler makes the organic matter
to go through three different temperature stages, allowing microorganisms suitable for reproduction
at different temperatures to grow while killing the eggs of diseased insects.
2.Maintain the optimum humidity of 60% of the compost, which is most suitable for the rapid reproduction
of microorganisms.
3.Proper oxygen can inhibit the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria and produce foul gas.
4.Turn the compost pile frequently to distribute the microorganisms evenly throughout the compost
pile.ingredients (in volume, not weight).
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