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HotpointWebsite www.Hotpoint.com
Haxe a question or need assistance with )our appliance? Tr} tile Hotpoint _._bsite 24 hotu_ a day,
any (lax of tile year'. Ym can also shop t0r more great Hotpoint products and take ad\:mmge of
all of our on-line support services designed t0r ?our comenience.
ScheduleService www.Hotpointcom
Expert Hotpoint repair serxice is onl) one step away fi'om _{}ur do{n: Get on-line and schedule yore" ser\_{'e
at yore" convenience 24 hom_ am (Ira of tile xear! (')r {all 800.(;E.CARES (800.432.2737) dining nom]al
business hom_.
RealLifeDesignStudio www.GEAppliances.com
(;E suI)ports tile Universal Design {'on{-ei)t--l)roducts, services and environments that can be used by
pe{)ple of all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize tile need to design for a wide range of physical and
mental abilities and impaim]ents. For details of (;E's Universal Design ai)plications, including kitchen
design ideas for people with disabilities, check out our X.Vebsite today. For tile headng impaired, please
call 800.TDD.(;EA(: (800.833.4322).
ExtendedWarranties www.GEAppliances.com
Pta'chase a Hotpoint extended warranty and learn about special discotmts that are axailable while _our
warranP,' is still in effect. "_l_)//C_lIlpro'chase it {}n-line anytime or call 800.626.2224 (Imping nom]al business
ho/u_. Hoti)oint Consumer Home Serxices will still be there after y{}ur warranB' expires.
PartsandAccessories www.Hotpointcom
Individtmls qualified to se_Yi{'e their own api)lian( es (an have parts or a{'{ess{nies sent dire{'flv to their
homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line to(la 5 24 hom_ eveB' day or
by phone at 800.626.2002 dm_ing nomml business hom_.
Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generally
should be referred to qualified service personnel. Cautionmust be exercised, since improper servicing may cause
unsafe operation.
ContactUs www.Hotpointcom
If you are not satisfied with tile servi( e you receive ti'om Hotpoint, contact us on our _.Vebsite with all tile
details inchl(ling your phone numbe_; or w_im to: General Manage_; Customer Relations
Hoq)oint, Appliance Park
I,ouisville, KY 40225
RegisterYourAppliance www.Hotpointcom
Register your new applim_ce on-lhle---at your convenience! Timely prodtwt registration will allow for
enhan{ed {()illillHni{'_lfi()n and proillpt serx'i{'e tinder tile teF/llS oJ[ _()tli" w_lri'anty, should tile need arise.
You may also mail in tile pre-p_inted registration card inch/deal in tile I)ackin{"8 material.
Printed in Louisville, KY