Hotpoint RGB508PPH2AD gas range

User Manual - Page 23


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Special Care of Continuous-Cleaning Oven Interior (on some models)
Thespecialcoatingis aporousceramic
material,whichis darkin colorandfeels
slightlyroughto thetouch.
The Conthmous-Clealhg Oven cleans itself
while cooking. Tile oven _:alls air finished
with a special coating that cannot be cleaned
ill tile tlSUal inaxlxlei" with soap, detergents,
steel wool pads, coininei'cial oven cleanels,
COaINe abi'asive pads or COaiNe brtlshes.
Use (ff such cleansei5 and/or tile use of
oven sprays will cause peimanent dainage.
[] Soil x4sibilit) inay be reduced by
operating tile oxen at 400°E Ch)se tile
door and nlrn tile OVEN CONTROLknob
to 400°E Tin/e for at least fi)ur houI_.
Repeated cycles inay be ne{essai_'
before ilnproveinent ill appearance
is apparent.
REMEMBER: During the operation of the oven,
the deer and ether range surfaces will get hot
enough to cause bums. De net touch. Let the
range cool before replacing the oven shelves.
If inagnified, tile suflace would appeal _as
peaks, udlevs and sub-suI_fhce "tunnels."
This rough finish tends to prevent grease
spattei_ fl'oin t0iming little beads or
droplets that run down tile side wails (ff a
haM-surti_ce oven linei; leaving unsightly
streaks that require hand cleaning. Instead,
when spatter hits the porous finish, it is
dispelled and partially absorbed. This
spreading action increases tile exposure
of oven soil to heated air and inakes it
soinewhat less noticeable.
Soil may not disappear completely and at
son/e fin/e after extended usage, stains inav
appear that cannot be reinoved.
The special coating works best on small
anom_ts of spatter. It does not work well
with laiger spills, especially sugai_, egg or
dairy mixtures. Tile oven bottoin does not
have tile contiImous cleaning oven coating
and can be reinoved and cleaned with a
colnlnercial (Well cleanei:
This spedal coating is not used on the
oven shelves, oven bottom or the hlsJde
of the oven door. Reinove these to clean
with a coimnercM oven cleaner to preveIat
dmnagii_g tile (bi_fiinlou_(_leaifing Oven
Make sure the oven bottom is in place before
you turn the oven on for any mason.
Use care in removing mad replacing the
oven bottom mad shelves and in phciig
and reinoving dishes and food to avoid
scratchiIg, rubbing or ()theI%se dainaging
tile porous finish (m tile oven walls.
To Clean the Continuous-Cleaning Oven:
[] I,et range parts cool heft)re hai_dling
_A'e recoininend rubber gloxes be worn
when cleaning.
If a spilloxer or heavy soiling occuis
on tile p(/I'O/IS S/llJ_lce, as soon as tile
oven has cooled, reinove as i//tlch of
tile soil as possible using a sInall
alnount of water and a stiff=bristle nylon
brush. Use water spaI_ingly and change
it ti'equenfl 5 keeping it as clean as
possible, and be sure to blot it up
with paper towels, doths or sponges.
Do not rub or scrub with paper towels,
ch)ths or sponges, since thev will leave
unsightly lint (m the oven finish. If
water leaves a white i_ing on the finish
as it dries, apply water again and bh)t
it with a clean sponge, starting at the
edge of tile ling and working toward
tile centei:
The oven bottom has a porcelain enamel
f'ufish. Tile ()veil bottonl COllies O/lt tor
cleaifing away fl'oin tile ()mtiimous-
Cleaifing Oven.
The h_side of the oven door has a porcelain
enanel f'ufish. Tile oven door lilts off
fl)r cleaning away fl'oIn tile (2onfinuous-
Cleaifing Oven. For instructions on how
to clean the inside of the oven door refer
to tile lift-Off Oven Door section.
Do not use soap, detergent, sted wool
pads, commercial oven cleaner, silicone
oven sprays, coarse pads or coarse
brushes on the porous surface. These
products will spot, clog and dainage tile
porous surti_ce and reduce its abililv
to work.
Do not scrape the porous surface
with a hfife or spatula--the} could
peimaiaeiatly dainage tile finish.
] Relno_,e shelxes and cookwai'e.
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