Hotpoint RGB508PPH2AD gas range

User Manual - Page 13


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How to Set the Oven for Broiling
Broiling is (ooldng tbod by direct heat fi'om
abo\e the toed. Most fish and tender cuts of
meat can be broiled. Follow these directions
to keep spattering and smoldng to a
If meat has fi_t or gristle at(rand the
edge, cut vertical slashes through both
about 2" apml. If desired, the lift me)
be trimmed, leaxing a laxer about
1/8" thick.
Your range has a compartment below the []
oven for broiling.
Both the oven and broiler compartment doors
must he closed during broiling.
Turn most toods once during cooking (tile
exception is thin fillets of fish; oil one side,
place that side down on broiler grid and
cook without tm'ning smfil done). Time
fi)ods flw about one-half the total cooking []
tin/e, tSli'n f()()(l, then contills/e to cook to
pre_brred doneness. []
[] You can change tile distance of tile
food from tile heat sosn'ce bx
positioning the broiler pan and grid
on one of three shelf positions ill the
broiler c(mq)al-tment_ (bottom of
broiler compamnent), B (middle)
and C (top).
[] Preheating the broiler or oxen is not
llecessiw} alld Cilll prodHce poos"
Arrlmge tile fi_od on tile grid and
position the broiler pan on the
appropriate shelf in the oven or
broiling compartment. Hacing toed
closer to tile flame increases exterior
browning of tile toed, but also
increases spattering and the possibility
_ff lies and m eatjslices igniting.
(;lose the o\ en and broiler
Cos//paY[l//ellt dooF.
Tm'n tile OVEN CONTROLknob to
When broiling is finished, mrn tile
OVEN CONTROLknob to OFF.Remoxe
the broiler pan fl'om the broiler
compartment and serve tile food
immediately. Leave tile pan outside
tile nmge to cool.
Cutslitsh?the foiljust like the grid.
Aluminum Foil
You call use alumimm/flfil to lille your
broiler pall and broiler grid. Howe\vs;
you must mold the fi)il tightly to tile grid
and cut slits in it just like tile grid.
Broiling Guide Suggestions
Both the oven and broiler compartment doors
must be closed during broiling.
_: _Mwa_:suse tile broiler pan and grid that
comes with your range. It is designed
to nfilfinfize sn/oking and spattefiI_g by
trapping juices in the shielded lower
part of tile pail
::Ji::For steaks and chops, slash list e\'enlv
around tile outside edges sff tile ineat.
To slash, cut crosswise through the
outer list sui-liscejust to tile edge of
tile ineat. Use tongs to turn tile ineat
over to prevent piercing tile ineat and
losing juices,
!;_:If desired, inarilmte ineats (:,r chicken
befi)re broiling. Or brush with barbecue
sas/ce last 5-1 (I ininsltes only.
::Ji::When arranging tile ff)od on tile pail
do not let fistty edges hang over tile sides
because drippii_g tist could soil tile oven.
::Ji::Tile broiler COlnpartn_ei_t does not need
to be preheamd, Howevei; fi)r very thin
fi)ods, or to increase browlfing, preheat
if desired.
_: Frozen steals can be broiled by
positiolfing tile shelf at tile next lowest
shelf position and increasing the cooking
tilne given in this guide tilnes per side.
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