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A, WARNING: Before beginning any
exercise program, consult your physician.
This is especially important for persons over
the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing
health problems.
The backrest can
be adjusted to
either the upright
position or the
reclined position. To
adjust the backrest
to the upright posi-
tion, first pull out
the adjustment pin.
Raise the backrest
until it is nearly ver-
tical, and then
insert the adjust-
ment pin into the
pin holes in the
backrest frame and
the seat frame.
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Erame __2_
Seat Frame.Up- Pin
To adjust the backrest to the reclined position, first pull
out the adjustment pin. Pivot the backrest back as far
as possible, and then insert the pin into the pin hole in
the seat frame.
The weight bench can be used for a variety of exercis-
es designed to trim, tone, and strengthen the body.
It is recommended that your strength training program
include 3 workouts each week. Note: You may wish to
use the weight bench and the recumbent cycle on
alternating days. For example, plan weight training
workouts on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and
plan aerobic workouts on Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday. Make sure to rest for at least one full day each
week to give your body time to regenerate. CAUTION:
It is very important to avoid overdoing it during the
first few months of your exercise program, and to
progress at your own pace.
Begin each workout with five to eight minutes of
stretching and light exercise to warm up. A proper
warm-up increases your body temperature, heart rate,
and circulation in preparation for exercise.
After warming up, perform a selection of weight train-
ing exercises. (Consult a reputable weight training
book or magazine to find exercises that can be per-
formed using hand weights and a weight bench.) To
give balance to your workouts, vary the exercises from
workout to workout. Begin with 1 set of 12 repetitions
for each exercise. (A "repetition" is one complete cycle
of an exercise, such as one sit-up. A "set" is a series
of repetitions performed without a pause.) As your fit-
ness level increases, perform 2 or 3 sets for each
exercise. Always rest for at least 1 minute after each
set. When you can complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions
without difficulty, you may choose to use heavier
weights. CAUTION: The crosstrainer includes three
pairs of hand weights. Do not use other weights
with the crosstrainer.
Finish each workout with five to eight minutes of
stretching to cool down. This will increase your flexibility
and will help to prevent soreness.
For the best results, correct form is important.
Maintaining proper form means moving through the full
range of motion for each exercise, and moving only
the appropriate parts of the body. Make sure to per-
form each exercise with a smooth, steady motion.
Exhale as you exert yourself, and inhale as you return
to the starting position; never hold your breath.
For motivation, try listening to music or watching tele-
vision while you exercise. Use a calendar to keep a
record of your workouts, and record key body mea-
surements at the end of every month. Remember, the
key to lasting results is to make exercise a regular and
enjoyable part of your daily life.
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